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    A Project search for migration returned the following matches:

    A Seminar search for migration returned the following matches:

    Start DateTimeTitleLocation
    11-12-2009MIMOSA: Migration Modelling for Statistical AnalysesUniveristy of Southampton
    28-08-2009Demographic Modelling of Migration and Population: A Multiregional PerspectiveUniversity of Southampton 58/3017
    06-05-2010Skill Composition of Migration and the Generosity of the Welfare State: Free vs. Policy-Controlled MigrationUniversity of Southampton, 58/1009
    28-06-2010Migration flows, migration policies and citizenship in Europe (working title)University of St Andrews, Arts/003
    24-02-2011Understanding inter-censal migration in Britain using a new migration classification frameworkUniversity of Southampton 58/2097
    22-07-2011A life course approach to high-skilled migration: migrant biographies of Indians in the Netherlands and United KingdomUniversity of Southampton 58/2097
    20-10-2011A lifecourse perspective on the role of ethnicity in internal migration in young adulthood in Britain.University of Southampton 58/1009
    20-05-2011The impact of migration on the mental health of older adults in Ireland.Room 1/G/9, Ladywell House, Edinburgh
    26-01-2012Who Cares for Whom? Rural Ageing, Migration and Networks of Informal CareUniversity of Southampton 58/1065
    14-06-2011Intergenerational replacement and migration: European examplesRoom 1/G/9, Ladywell House, Edinburgh
    07-03-2011Eastern European migration and the UK labour market: The recruitment and function of 'A8' labour migrants. Labour user and labour provider perspectivesUniversity of St Andrews
    13-06-2014Bayesian projection of international migration for all countriesUniversity of Southampton, 58/1023
    01-12-2014An agent-based decision model of migration, embedded in the life courseUniversity of Southampton, 02/1083
    26-11-2015Census 2011 - how NRS are making the most of the data. Illustrations from reports on households and migrationRoom 1/G/8, Ladywell House, Edinburgh
    28-04-2016Selective migration and changing health/deprivation relationshipsRoom 1/G/8, Ladywell House, Edinburgh
    25-05-2016Pint of Science Festival: Predicting MigrationBrewhouse and Kitchen, Southampton
    22-05-20173rd Workshop on the Economics of MigrationUniversity of Southampton
    18-11-20161st Meeting of the Fast-Track Project on MigrationVDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Berlin
    07-11-2016Public Roundtable "Still Home Abroad? Polish Migration to Scotland after Brexit"University of Aberdeen
    13-10-2016Interrelations between public policies; migration and developmentOECD Conference Centre, Paris
    25-05-2016People on the Move: Understanding Migration. Pint of Science EventBrewhouse and Kitchen, Southampton
    06-04-2016JPI Workshop on MigrationBerlin
    08-12-2015How (not) to predict migrationWestminster,
    17-02-20151st PhD Workshop on the Economics of MigrationUniversity of Southampton
    30-05-2014Dealing with Uncertainty in Migration ResearchRegent's University London
    12-05-2014The Economics of International MigrationUniversity of Southampton
    27-02-2014Should Scotland have its own immigration policy? The politicians and the professionals seminar series – migrationRoyal Society of Edinburgh
    14-02-2014Where does migration sit within the debate over the future of the UK and ScotlandCOMPAS, University of Oxford
    11-01-2018Is internal migration slowing down?London School of Economics
    02-07-2018The Uncertain World of International Migration - Jakub BijakWinchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street
    04-10-2017Internal migration in ScotlandLadywell House, Edinburgh
    05-10-2018CPC Seminar - Transforming migration statistics: Administrative data at the coreUniversity of Southampton
    20-11-2018University of Southampton and CPC Public Lecture Series - Uncertainty and complexity of migrationBritish Academy, London
    20-11-2018Workshop: Uncertainty and Complexity of MigrationBritish Academy, London
    03-12-2018CPC Seminar - Brexit and EU Student Migration: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentLadywell House, Edinburgh EH12 7TF Room (1/G/8)
    04-04-20195th Workshop on the Economics of MigrationEsch-Belval, Luxembourg
    22-03-2019SSD Seminar: European migration to the United Kingdom in the light of Facebook dataUniversity of Southampton, Building 28 Room 1019
    21-01-2020Workshop: Modelling migration and decisionsLakeside Centre, Wide Lane, Eastleigh,
    28-02-2020CPC Seminar - Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better PolicyUniversity of Southampton, Building 2, Room 5053
    08-07-2020POSTPONED: 3rd International Conference on Migration and MobilitiesUniversity of St Andrews
    26-03-2020POSTPONED: Unpacking migration: regional diversity and impact on public servicesAttlee Suite, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 2LW
    29-09-2020National EMN Conference 2020: Forecasting the Future of Global MigrationVienna, Austria and Online
    03-11-2020Public webinar A: Economy, society and migrationWebinar
    06-11-2020Public webinar B: Forecasting migrationWebinar
    04-02-2021CPC Webinar - Studying health and migration using social media: tools for survey participant recruitment complement digital trace data Zoom
    04-06-2020Demography and Migration: Current and Future TrendsNATO Defence College, Rome, via videolink
    11-12-2020QuantMig Webinar: Translating Migration Theory Into Empirical PropositionsOnline
    03-12-2020HumMingBird Expert workshop 'Mind the gap: critical perspectives on migration theories and data' Online
    11-05-2021How can we project migration? Global challenges at the turn of 2020Online
    17-06-2021Estimating International Migration Flows: Past, Present & Future15:30 (BST)
    25-10-2021Science in Policymaking - Understanding the Use of Science in Migration PolicyZoom
    29-06-202219th IMISCOE Annual Conference Opening Plenary: The Temporal Turn in Migration StudiesOslo, Norway and online
    29-11-2021Harnessing data innovation for migration policy in Europe and AfricaRobert Bosch Foundation in Berlin
    06-07-20223rd International Conference on Migration and MobilitiesUniversity of St Andrews, Scotland
    05-04-2022Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Jakub Bijak, Limit to Infinite Error: Dealing with Migration UncertaintyOnline
    16-06-20223rd EBRD and King's College London Workshop on the Economics and Politics of MigrationEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London
    26-04-2023Future Migration to Europe: Migration projections from international to local levelsOnline and In Person (Green Room, U Residence, Bld General Jacques 271, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium)
    05-06-2023Centre of Migration Research UW Seminars: New Advances in Theory and Research on Migration: "Scanning Migration Horizons"Online
    12-03-2024The determinants of first-time homeownership across the generations of immigrants in Sweden | Stockholm Sessions on MigrationOnline and In Person
    05-04-2024Lisbon Migration Economics WorkshopISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management
    26-04-2024War, Displacement, and Migration in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Hartley Suite, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
    18-12-2024Beyond Uncertainty: Exploring Migration FuturesOnline

    A Media search for migration returned the following matches:

    Can robots and migration help address the challenges of ageing? Research Highlights - University of Southampton. 2025
    Research article on the University of Southampton's website, Dr Emily Barker and Professor Jakub Bijak look at whether robots or migration are effective strategies for helping an ageing population, as part of the FutuRes research project.

    Uncertainty around future migration is here to stay. Here is how we can deal with it. Migration Research to Policy, Research Short Series. 2024
    In the 2nd issue of Migration Research to Policy, Research Short Series, Professor Jakub Bijak explains why future migration scenarios are uncertain and how policymakers can plan and respond to these scenarios.

    CPC/CG webinar - The consequences of war for migration and settlement intentions | Professor Yuliya Kosyakova Youtube. 2024
    This CPC-CG webinar took place on Thursday 19 September at 13:00 UK Time. Yuliya Kosyakova, Professor of Migration Research at Otto-Friedrich-University, Bamberg, presented "The consequences of war for migration and settlement intentions: the case of Ukrainians". Abstract: Multidimensional effects of conflict-induced violence on wartime migration decisions. In my work I examine the relationship between conflict-induced violence (CIV) and wartime migration, including settlement or return intentions in destination country. In the first project, I focus on the role of CIV's intensity, proximity, and type. In the second project, I provide crucial insights into how conflict-induced violence in refugees' home regions influence their intentions to settle abroad. I utilize large-scale survey and focus on the context of the war in Ukraine.

    War, displacement and migration in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Centre for Eastern European and Eurasian Studies Spotify. 2024
    Professor Jane Falkingham gave the opening talk in this event about the effects of the contemporary conflicts in Eastern Europe, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border have on local populations.

    CPC/CG/S3Ri webinar - Modelling the Age and Sex Patterns of Net International Migration | Professor James Raymer Youtube. 2024
    This CPC/CG/S3Ri webinar took place on Thursday 25 April at 14:00 UK Time. Professor James Raymer of the Australian National University presented, "Modelling the Age and Sex Patterns of Net International Migration". In this study, we test and apply a methodology to infer the age and sex profiles of net migration. Age and sex profiles of net migration are required as inputs into demographic accounting models for population estimation and projection. However, most countries in the world do not directly measure migration and residual methods for inferring age and sex patterns have proven inadequate, due to errors in the measures of populations, births and deaths. Since net migration rarely exhibits regularities across age and sex, we develop a strategy to first estimate flows of immigration and emigration by age and sex. Differences from these flow estimates represent our estimates of net international migration by age and sex. Based on promising results from empirical tests that used data from Sweden and the Republic of Korea, the methodology is extended to estimate age-sex patterns of net international migration for countries lacking migration data.

    CPC/CG webinar - The spatial impacts of the HE-related migration of the UK's school leavers: evidence from two sources | Professor Tony Champion Youtube. 2024
    This CPC-CG Webinar took place on Thursday 18 April. Professor Tony Champion, Emeritus Professor of Population Geography at Newcastle University presented, "The spatial impacts of the HE-related migration of the UK's school leavers: evidence from two sources" The rise in higher-education participation rates and the tradition of 'going away to university' has resulted in HE-related migration becoming the single largest component of internal migration for the UK migration. It has inserted a new dimension into the life course of many school leavers, involving place-to-place flows that are considerably different from when the vast majority went straight into the labour market. This seminar reports on the findings of analysing this phenomenon using two separate datasets, neither of which is perfect but potentially allowing a degree of triangulation for checking the main features. The official mid-year population estimates allow comparison of the numbers of 16-18 with 19-21 year olds, revealing the local authorities which gain and lose most from 'going away to university' movement. Secondly, the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) enables the tracking of UK school leavers to university and then onto the subregion where they are working 15 months after graduation, such that the spatial impacts can be gauged in terms of both the numbers involved and the quality of human capital as measured via students' secondary-education Tariff Score and their type of job post-graduation. Each GOS respondent can be classified on the basis of their migration trajectories between domicile and workplace, enabling a set of migration accounts to be produced for each subregion. These demonstrate how the different places fare as a result of the migration of students/graduates, with more sub-regions suffering the 'double whammy' of losing out in both quantitative and qualitative terms than gaining from this process, with challenging implications for central government's current 'levelling-up' agenda.

    CPC/CG webinar - Migration governance for, of and against crisis | Professor Andrew Geddes Youtube. 2024
    It's well known that there are real and pressing global challenges that could lead to the breakdown of natural and social systems - sometimes referred to as a 'polycrisis' - but does migration belong within this crisis thinking? Clearly, crisis thinking has become normalised in European migration governance and is projected into neighbouring countries and regions through these mutations. Political actors mobilise for crisis and an intellectual agenda supports mutations that catastrophise migration. Links between migration and climate change often seen as emblematic of polycrisis but conceptual flaws amplify the systemic breakdowns against which these ideas ostensibly warn. Extracting migration from this crisis thinking can illustrate how migration can be part of a solution to the deep-seated problems in social and natural systems that various notions of crisis claim to address.

    Dr David McCollum speaks to BBC Radio Scotland Mornings show about net migration BBC Radio Scotland Morning Live programme. 2023
    Recording of CPC-CG member Dr David McCollum speaking to Stephen Jardine on BBC Radio Scotland Mornings show on Friday 24 November 2023 at 09:15am. The show hosted a phone-in asking 'Net migration to the UK was a record 745,000 last year, where do you stand on migration?' with Dr McCollum providing evidence and research findings to aid the discussion.

    Scenarios for proactive measures and inclusive policies on migration in Europe Newswise. 2023
    Policy blog article by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) about recent publications from the Quantmig project, Policy brief - High-Migration Events and Future Labour Force in Europe and the White Paper on Migration Uncertainty: Towards Foresight and Preparedness.

    Debunking migration myths: the real reasons people move, and why most migration happens in the global south - podcast The Conversation. 2023
    In this podcast, Dr Valentina Di Iasio is interviewed about her research with Jackie Wahba about asylum seekers and their reasons for choosing one country other the other. Their research found that it was more likely to be social networks rather than the economy or the welfare state.

    Demographic insights into population and migration estimates Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science website. 2023
    News article on the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science website comments on the recent ONS figures for emigration, and the UK government's plans to scrap the right for students' to bring their families with them to the UK, in an effort to curb migration.

    Future Migration to Europe Conference Youtube. 2023
    Video of the Quantmig, FUME and Hummingbird event: Future Migration to Europe, a gathering of migration experts and scholars at the European Parliament in Brussels. 26-27 April 2023.

    CPC-CG Webinar - Internal migration and ties to non-resident family | Clara H. Mulder Youtube. 2022
    Clara H. Mulder from the University of Groningen gave a talk entitled "Internal Migration and ties to non-resident family". Scholars employing the life-course perspective have emphasized the importance of the linked lives of family members for individuals' life courses, including their internal and international migration trajectories. The FamilyTies project (www.rug.nl/FamilyTies) investigates the roles of non-resident family members in migration, both as anchors (keeping individuals and households from migrating and thus inducing staying) and as beacons (attracting migration). It also addresses motivations for migration and staying as well as individual labour-market outcomes associated with migration and staying related to family ties. In this talk, I summarize some insights from the research carried out in the FamilyTies project. I also discuss some of the data challenges associated with research on the role of non-resident family and peers in migration, with a specific focus on data for the UK.

    Jakub Bijak and Daniela Vono on science advice in migration policy Science Advice for Policy by European Academies. 2022
    Professor Jakub Bijak and Dr Daniela Vono take part in an expert debate on science advice in migration policy.

    2nd video, A multidisciplinary path toward a better understanding of human migration - book promotion video Vimeo. 2021
    A multidisciplinary path toward a better understanding of human migration - book:Bijak et al., "Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography: Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty in Migration Studies" (2021).

    1st video, A multidisciplinary path toward a better understanding of human migration - book promotion video Vimeo. 2021
    A multidisciplinary path toward a better understanding of human migration - book, Bijak et al., "Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography: Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty in Migration Studies" (2021).

    Professor Jakub Bijak podcast interview with Public Policy, Southampton: Quantmig: Quantifying migration scenarios for better policy Policy Pod, Public Policy Southampton. 2021
    University of Southampton Public Policy podcast series interviews Professor Jakub Bijak about his project, Quantmig: Quantifying migration scenarios for better policy.

    CPC Webinar: 'Studying health and migration using social media' | Emilio Zagheni Youtube. 2021
    This CPC webinar was held on Thursday 04 February at 12:00 GMT. Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and University of Washington, presented "Studying health and migration using social media: tools for survey participant recruitment complement digital trace data". Passively-collected information about social media users as well as posts and related content have been increasingly used for demographic research related to health and migration. These digital traces, often made available via advertisement platforms, offer new insights into socio-demographic processes, but also have a number of imperfections and limitations. The same advertisement platforms can be used as a tool to rapidly recruit survey participants across countries and to reach hard-to-reach populations. This talk discusses recent work done at MPIDR to complement the two approaches. It concentrates on two main components: (i) assessing cultural assimilation of Mexican immigrants in the US via Facebook data, as well as via a Facebook migration survey that is about to be fielded; (ii) the Covid-19 Health Behavior Survey: an online opt-in survey based on targeted Facebook advertising campaigns across eight countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States), that was conducted daily from March 13-August 12, resulting in 144,034 completed questionnaires. This survey collected information on people's health, attitudes, behaviors, and social contacts. The talk discusses methodological approaches to correct for biases and to combine digital trace data with survey estimates, as well as provides initial substantive results from these initiatives.

    Economics and migration expert awarded OBE in Queen's Birthday Honours National Tribune. 2020
    Professor Jackline Wahba awarded OBE in Queen's birthday honours.

    Economics and migration expert awarded OBE in Queen's Birthday Honours Mirage News. 2020
    Professor Jackline Wahba awarded OBE in Queen's birthday honours.

    Five Facts Everybody Should Know Before Discussing Future Migration Trends Population Europe. 2020
    Population Europe Blog Post on Policy Insights by Mathias Czaika (Danube University Krems) & Jakub Bijak (University of Southampton)

    Increased migration to Scotland from the rest of the UK University of St Andrews. 2020
    Report about the increase of migration to Scotland from the rest of the UK

    Increased migration to Scotland from rest of UK Mirage News. 2020
    News article on Mirage news references research report led by Professor Hill Kulu and Professor David Bell on increased migration to Scotland.

    Positive change in internal migration The Scottish Government. 2020
    News article on the Scottish Government's website about the report by Professor Hill Kulu and Professor David Bell on the increase of migration to Scotland.

    Uncertainty and complexity of migration | University of Southampton Youtube. 2018
    The second event in our new Public Lecture Series focused on population and migration issues. Jakub Bijak examined the uncertainty and complexity of migration.

    Migration and International students. Informing the debate by providing accurate migration data. University of Southampton website. 2018
    With the government looking to markedly reduce net migration figures, debate is ongoing as to whether international students should be included within those figures. Southampton research is shaping policy by providing survey data on migration.

    The debate over migration and international students Southampton Connects Alumni and Supporters. 2018

    Why simple solutions to migration don't work | University of Southampton Youtube. 2018
    Professor Jakub Bijak explains where he would take the media and why.

    Mobile no more? Using administrative data linked to a census-based longitudinal study to investigate migration within Scotland Pop&health research twitter. 2018
    Video on Twitter relating to Dr David McCollums's CPC working paper 88, 'Mobile no more? The innovative use of administrative data linked to a census-based longitudinal study to investigate migration within Scotland.'

    The worrying future for grandparents when migration robs a country of its children The Conversation. 2017
    Article titled The worrying future for grandparents when migration robs a country of its children, written by Asghar Zaidi, posted on The Conversation.

    Professor: Shutting migration door will 'really hurt Scotland' Herald Scotland. 2017
    Article in the Herald Scotland newspaper titled Professor: Shutting migration door will 'really hurt Scotland' written by Robert Wright.

    Does migration make us happy - Corrado Giulietti You Tube. 2017
    Dr Corrado Giulietti discusses the topic ' Does migration make us happy', as part of the 'Tales of migration: citizenship, benefits and identity in Brexit Britain' project.

    Can migration be fully controlled? - Jakub Bijak You Tube. 2017
    Dr Jakub Bijak discusses the topic 'Can migration be fully controlled?', as part of the 'Tales of migration: citizenship, benefits and identity in Brexit Britain' project.

    Tales of migration: citizenship, benefits and identity in Brexit Britain Public Policy|Southampton. 2017
    Public Policy|Southampton blog discussing 'Tales of migration: citizenship, benefits and identity in Brexit Britain' and linking to YouTube videos by CPC members: Jane Falkingham, Jakub Bijak, Paul Bridgen, Hctor Calvo-Pardo, Corrado Giulietti, and Derek McGhee.

    Southampton academic awarded 1.5million for research into migration Daily Echo. 2017
    Article posted by Southern Daily Echo titled Southampton academic awarded 1.5million for research into migration quotes Jakub Bijak, and also mentions Jonathan Forster and Peter Smith.

    Beyond Brexit: Why the message of open trading contradicts cuts in net migration The Herald Scotland. 2016
    Article titled "Beyond Brexit: Why the message of open trading contradicts cuts in net migration", written by David Bell, posted on Herald Scotland.

    Six Vital Voices on the Economics of Migration News Deeply Website. 2016
    Article titled "Six Vital Voices on the Economics of Migration" on www.newsdeeply.com briefly profiles the work of Jackie Wahba

    The Migration Equation in 'Neo- Liberal' Europe: Perspectives from the North and North-West Youtube. 2016
    Paper presented by Adrian Favell (University of Leeds) at 'The spectre of 'Brexit': Free movement and European citizenship in question' seminar.

    Effects of migration on the Scottish population with reference to Brexit
    David Bell is interviewed about the effects of migration on the Scottish population with reference to Brexit on BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland show.

    Managing Migration
    Article on The Connect Magazine, "Managing Migration"

    On Migration; Uncertainty; and the European Union PublicPolicy@Southampton website. 2016
    Web blog (2016) On Migration, Uncertainty, and the European Union. Views on Europe blog,

    How (NOT) to predict migration -Speakers Podcast Youtube. 2016
    "The session critically looked at different methods used for predicting migration, and explored the underlying challenges and practical recommendations in more detail. It focused on the uncertainty related to defining, estimating and forecasting migration, and on the potential and limitations of using the uncertain migration predictions as an evidence base for making informed policy decisions. "

    How (NOT) to predict migration - Video Summary Youtube. 2015
    "How (not) to predict migration' with Dr Jakub Bijak, discussing the limitations to reliably predicting types of migration and looking to the benefits of risk management and capacity building to adapt to inevitable, if unpredictable, flows of migrants."

    Impacts of migration on local public services Fullfact.org website. 2015
    Article on Fullfact.org "Impacts of migration on local public services"

    Manifesto Check: SNP migration plans focus on international students The Conversation. 2015
    Invited article on The Conversation online, "Manifesto Check: SNP migration plans focus on international students"

    Who matters more for migration decision? Close friends or acquaintances? Voxeu website. 2014
    Article on voxeu.org titled "Who matters more for migration decision? Close friends or acquaintances?" is written by CPC member Jackline Wahba as well as Yves Zenou and Corrado Giulietti

    Les migrations temporaires créent de la richesse dans le pays d'origine; selon une étude du FEMISE EU Neighbourhood Info Centre. 2014
    Article on the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre website titled "Les migrations temporaires créent de la richesse dans le pays d'origine, selon une étude du FEMISE" quotes Jackie Wahba in relation to her work on the FEMISE co-funded project

    Where does migration sit within the debate over the future of the UK and Scotland? University of Oxford podcast. 2014
    Podcast on University of Oxford web page of Findlay, McCollum and Bijak's talk on migration and Scotland titled "Where does migration sit within the debate over the future of the UK and Scotland?"

    Scottish independence 'could lead to higher levels of migration' STV News website. 2014
    Article on news.stv.tv titled "Scottish independence 'could lead to higher levels of migration'" discusses the Centre for Population Change's research into migration and Scottish independence and quotes Alan Findlay.

    EU migration seen as 'positive' for Scottish business University of Stirling website. 2014
    News article on the University of Stirling website titled "EU migration seen as 'positive' for Scottish business" discusses the work of Allan Findlay, David Bell, David McCollum and Scott Tindal.

    Yes vote 'may boost migration' The Extra. 2014
    Article on www.glasgowsouthandeastwoodextra.co.uk titled "Yes vote 'may boost migration'" discusses the Centre for Population Change's research into migration and Scottish independence and quotes Alan Findlay.

    Yes vote 'may boost migration' The Sunday Post. 2014
    Article on www.sundaypost.com titled "Yes vote 'may boost migration'" discusses the Centre for Population Change's research into migration and Scottish independence and quotes Alan Findlay.

    Scottish independence 'could lead to higher levels of migration' STV News website. 2014
    Article on news.stv.tv titled "Scottish independence 'could lead to higher levels of migration'" discusses the Centre for Population Change's research into migration and Scottish independence and quotes Alan Findlay.

    Yes vote 'may boost migration'
    Article on www.thecourier.co.uk titled "Yes vote 'may boost migration'" discusses the Centre for Population Change's research into migration and Scottish independence and quotes Alan Findlay.

    Opinion: Reasons for Return Migration
    Article in ESRC magazine "Britain in 2014" titled "Opinion: Reasons for Return Migration" written by Jackline Wahba

    Scotland Migration and the Referendum: Data and Analysis for an Informed Debate ESRC website. 2013
    Article on www.esrc.ac.uk/news-and-events titled "Scotland Migration and the Referendum: Data and Analysis for an Informed Debate" discusses the launch of the new joint CPC and Migration Observatory project.

    What are the migration pathways of UK graduates? COMPAS website. 2013
    The COMPAS Blog mentions Joanna Sage's Breakfast Briefing: What are the migration pathways of UK graduates?

    How will climate change impact on migration? University of Oxford podcast. 2011
    Podcast of Allan Findlay's COMPAS Breakfast briefing "How will climate change impact on migration?"

    Net Migration Soared Last Year
    Interviewed live on "Good Morning Scotland" on BBC Radio Scotland about how "Net Migration Soared Last Year"

    Your site search for migration returned 50 matches:

    PROJECTS Assessing the impact of internal labour migration on intergenerational support, health and income: the cases of China and South Africa Project contributors: Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A, Hosegood ...

    Fertility and family Living longer and the changing lifecourse Migration and mobility Integrated demographic estimation and forecasting Exchange between the generations Constitutional change Covid-19 ...

    ... , Finney N, Findlay A, Ernsten A, Nightingale G, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview This project aims to advance academic ...

    PROJECTS QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy Project contributors: Bijak J, Wahba J, Smith P, Barker E, Di Iasio V, Aristotelous G, This Project is linked to the following Strand ...

    ... H, Falkingham J, Lundholm E, Malmberg G, So V, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview In this project we extend previous ...

    PROJECTS Evaluation of existing migration forecasting methods and models Project contributors: Bijak J, Findlay A, Smith P, Forster J, Disney G, Wisniowski A, This Project is linked to the following Strand ...

    ... , Prazeres L, Falkingham J, Giulietti C, Wahba J, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview This project aims to examine i ...

    ... : McGhee D, Moreh C, Vlachantoni A, Troccoli G, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview Extending our research conducted ...

    PROJECTS Fertility in the context of economic recession and international migration: a comparative study of Italy, Spain and the UK Project contributors: Graham E, Feng Z, Jamieson L, MacInnes J, Fiori ...

    ... D, Nightingale G, Liu Y, Malmberg G, Van-Ham M, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities * Media Overview This research investigates ...

    ... Overview The project was a follow-up to the work on IMEM: Integrated Modelling of European Migration, where we fine-tuned the estimates of the age and sex structures of the international migration flow ...

    PROJECTS The effect of media on migration attitudes Project contributors: Giulietti C, Ghazaryan A, Wahba J, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview Overview ...

    ... : McGhee D, Anderson B, Bennett C, Walker S, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities * Media Overview Objectives This project examined ...

    PROJECTS Forecasting Scottish migration after the 2014 referendum Project contributors: Bijak J, Findlay A, McCollum D, Wisniowski A, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Integrated Demographic ...

    ... contributors: Bridgen P, Meyer T, Davison L, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview Research on the build-up of pensions ...

    ... Estimation and Forecasting * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview International migration is one of the most uncertain components of population change and a top-priority area for policy. The ...

    PROJECTS Survey of methodology on the quantitative assessment of the phenomenon of asylum-related migration Project contributors: Bijak J, Hilton J, Forster J, This Project is linked to the following ...

    ... S, Brown J, Li B, Wu Z, Zheng Z, Madise N, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities Overview The aim of this project is to undertake ...

    ... : Giulietti C, Wahba J, Ghazaryan A, Yan Z, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities * Media Overview This project analyses the effects ...

    ... C, Wang C, Wahba J, Calvo-Pardo H, Papoutsaki D, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview * Publications & Activities * Media Overview This research examines ...

    PROJECTS Migration and the constitutional future of Scotland Project contributors: Findlay A, Bijak J, McCollum D, Wright R, Bell D, Packwood H, Tindal S, This Project is linked to the following Strand ...

    PROJECTS Integrated Modelling of European Migration (IMEM) Project contributors: Bijak J, Smith P, Forster J, Raymer J, Abel G, Wisniowski A, Van-de-Erf R, Keillman N, Schoorl J, Christiansen S, This ...

    PROJECTS Non-labour market implications of family migration Project contributors: Findlay A, Gayle V, Van-Ham M, Nowok B, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview ...

    PROJECTS Rural ageing, migration and care Project contributors: Bell D, Bowes A, Rutherford A, Schröder-Butterfill E, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility Living Longer ...

    ... Project contributors: Calvo-Pardo H, Wahba J, This Project is linked to the following Strand/s: Migration and Mobility * Overview Overview The project seeks to contribute to a better understanding of ...