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  • Academy of Social Sciences Seminar: Intergenerational relations in the context of changing family and household structures

    22 March 2017 - Seminar: Intergenerational relations in the context of changing family and household structures held at the Academy of Social Sciences, 33 Finsbury Square, London.

    The linkages between changing family forms and household structures are topics of perennial interest for researchers and policy makers across disciplines and societies. This seminar examined the evidence base from international research that explores the relationships between changes in family forms and household structures, the financial impacts of these changes and the ways in which the evidence is being constructed and exploited in different policy contexts.

    CPC's Professor Ann Berrington explored 'Implications of changing family forms and household structures for intergenerational relations and policy development' in conversation with Professor Jane Millar, the Department of Social Policy, University of Bath and Professor Emily Grundy, the Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science at the event.

    Ann is the principle investigator for two ESRC Centre for Population Change projects: Fertility in the context of recession and immigration ; and Family dynamics and inequality and commented on the context of changing family and household structures drawing from her extensive research on 'Economic precariousness and living in the parental home in the UK', 'The changing living arrangements of young adults in the UK', 'The changing demography of lone parenthood in the UK'.

    Further information about the event is available here.

    Further information about Professor Ann Berrington's research is available here.

    Posted 25/01/2017 14:22
