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  • Opting out of workplace pension schemes is more common among some minority communities than the white British population. Credit: Pranithan Chorruangsak/Shutterstock

    Why there’s an ethnic pension gap in the UK – and how the government could close it

    Published in The Conversation on 5 February, CPC-CG and CRA members Professor Athina Vlachantoni, Professor Jane Falkingham and Professor Maria Evandrou highlight how the ethnic pension gap in the UK leaves minority ethnic communities worse off in retirement than their white British counterparts, with women facing greater disadvantages than men. Here, the authors explain the issue in more detail and explore potential policy solutions.

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    Front cover of issue 15 of Changing Populations

    New issue of Changing Populations out now

    The latest issue of the CPC-CG newsletter magazine, Changing Populations, is now published.

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    People watching a presentation with their backs to the camera. Credit: istock.com/Giuseppe Lombardo

    Collaborative Group on Nowcasting Populations

    In January, CPC hosted a workshop on Nowcasting Populations at the Solent Sky Museum as part of the Collaborative Group on Nowcasting Populations (CGNP) programme, funded by the University of Oxford's Van Houten Fund.

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    Professor Elspeth Graham. Credit: Royal Scottish Geographical Society

    Professor Elspeth Graham awarded RSGS Coppock Research Medal

    Congratulations to CPC-CG member Professor Elspeth Graham who has been awarded the 2024 Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS) Coppock Research Medal. First awarded in 1931, the Coppock Research Medal is the highest research-specific award for an outstanding contribution to geographical knowledge through research and publication.

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    Younger couple helping an older woman in a wheelchair on a street. Credit: istock.com/ablokhin

    Pressures on informal carers

    Research led by CPC-CG Co-Director Professor Maria Evandrou and CPC-CG Director Professor Jane Falkingham CBE highlights the growing financial and employment pressures on informal carers in Britain.

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    Professor Vikki McCall and Professor Alasdair Rutherford share Hopetown at the University of Stirling Ageing Showcase. Credit: Professor Vikki McCall

    Tackling housing and ageing challenges through play

    CPC-CG member Professor Alasdair Rutherford is leading a team who are revolutionising housing and ageing planning through innovative ‘serious’ games.

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    People wearing face masks while walking through a street market in the UK. Credit: istock.com/victorhuang

    Ethnic groups faced more Covid bereavement

    Research by CPC-CG member Professor Nissa Finney has found that ethnic groups in Scotland were over two times more likely to experience the death of someone close to them during Covid-19 than the white population.

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    Front cover of the Housing hurdles report

    Home ownership is rising for young millennials – but the divide between rich and poor is widening

    New research from the Resolution Foundation, supported by the ESRC Connecting Generations research programme, highlights rising homeownership rates among younger millennials but warns of widening inequalities between income groups. The findings, published today (20 December), show that while homeownership for 25-year-olds has increased since its low point in 2015-16, these gains are concentrated among middle- and high-income households, deepening the property divide.

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    A young woman sitting at her desk in an office chair in a modern office using a computer. Credit: istock.com/SolStock

    New tool to explore and visualise Europe's inequalities

    CG Co-Director Professor Melinda Mills MBE recently launched the Mapineq Link tool for exploring and analysing regional distribution of socioeconomic inequalities.

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    Heavy traffic on a London street. Credit: istock.com/MagicBones

    Study links air pollution to mental illness

    Dr Mary Abed Al Ahad, a researcher at the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) and the University of St Andrews, has led a ground-breaking study linking cumulative exposure to air pollution with an increased risk of hospital admissions for both mental/behaviorual and physical illnesses. The research used longitudinal data to reveal the far-reaching health impacts of ambient air pollution.

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    Call for Evidence: Global Intergenerational Policies and Programmes

    Help us to learn more about intergenerational policies and programmes.

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    Man carrying child in a backpack and sheltering from the rain on a shopping street. Credit: istock.com/BRIANSMITH

    The genetic basis of fertility, family and longevity

    Connecting Generations Co-Director Professor Melinda Mills MBE is senior lead author of a new review published in Nature Aging that reveals how your DNA shapes reproductive health, fertility, and life expectancy.

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    Professor Jane Falkingham CBE, VP Engagement and International, University of Southampton

    CPC-CG Director announced as REF 2029 main panel chair for social sciences

    ESRC Centre for Population Change and ESRC Connecting Generations Director Professor Jane Falkingham CBE has been announced as the Chair of Main Panel C: Social Sciences for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029.

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    An intergenerational audit for the UK 2024 report front cover

    An intergenerational audit for the UK 2024

    New research published today by the Resolution Foundation, funded by the ESRC Connecting Generations research programme, has found that increasing transfers between generations have a profound, but unequally felt, impact on people’s economic prospects.

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    Melinda Mills is interviewed on Sky News about declining birth rates

    Expert comment on declining birth rates in England and Wales

    The latest ONS release on Births in England and Wales: 2023 revealed that birth rates have reached their lowest point since the 1970s, with the fertility rate dropping to a record low of 1.44 children per woman in England and Wales. Scotland's is even lower at 1.3. This decline in Great Britain aligns with a global trend as many countries face similar challenges, from rising living costs to shifting personal priorities among young adults.

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    Professor David Bell dicusses the latest ONS population estimates on STV's Scotland Tonight

    Commenting on the latest ONS population estimates

    This week, CPC-CG members were invited to comment across TV and radio on the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) population estimates.

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    Credit: Oxford Atelier

    Celebrating five years of the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science

    In October, Connecting Generations partners at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science (LCDS) hosted the inaugural Demographic Science Summit to celebrate five years of disrupting and realigning demography for the benefit of populations around the world.

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    Local people shopping in a coastal town. Credit: istock.com/CBCK-Christine

    Ageing places face growing demographic divides

    CPC-CG member Dr David McCollum has been exploring population sustainability and geographical inequalities amid the challenges of an ageing population.

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    Population Change This Horizons 2034 theme looks at how design professionals address levels of change at the urban scale while supporting social cohesion for diverse and intergenerational communities

    CPC-CG members contribute to RIBA Horizons 2034 Population Change theme

    CPC-CG members Professor Jane Falkingham CBE, Professor Maria Evandrou and Professor Nissa Finney have contributed their expertise to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Horizons 2034 Population Change theme examining how design professionals can address levels of change at the urban scale while supporting social cohesion for diverse and intergenerational communities.

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    Conference attendees review the conference schedule in a conference program. Credit: istock.com/SDI Productions

    CPC-CG at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference

    CPC-CG members will head to the British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) annual conference at the University of Bath from 9-11 September 2024.

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    Changing Populations July 2024

    New issue of Changing Populations out now

    The latest issue of the CPC-CG newsletter magazine, Changing Populations, is now published.

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    Front cover of the ESRC Connecting Generations Highlights 2022-2024 progress report

    ESRC Connecting Generations progress report

    We have recently published the ESRC Connecting Generations Highlights 2022-2024 report, detailing our research and activities during the first two years of the project.

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    Mid-adult talking to a group in the workplace. Credit: istock.com/SolStock

    Education and job challenges for UK's second-generation immigrants

    Recent research comparing educational, employment, and occupational mobility between second-generation immigrants and White British individuals in the UK reveals significant disparities.

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    Front cover of Science Advances 19 July 2024

    Shorter life expectancy during Covid-19 for India’s marginalised

    A new paper published in Science Advances indicates that life expectancy in India suffered large and unequal declines during the Covid-19 pandemic - with life expectancy 2.6 years lower in 2020 than 2019.

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    Grandparent plays with child in garden. Credit: David Tett via The Centre for Ageing Better

    Kinship dynamics in an ageing society

    The ESRC Connecting Generations Kinship Model (CG-Kin) provides new insights into the evolving availability of kin, emphasising the complexities of kinship dynamics in an ageing society.

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    Crowd of people walking down London street. Credit: istock.com/krblokhin

    World Population Day – 11 July 2024

    World Population Day, observed annually on 11 July, is centred this year on the theme 'To leave no one behind, count everyone'. This theme underscores the critical issue of the underrepresentation of marginalised communities in data, profoundly affecting their well-being and societal inclusion. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres states:

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    EAPS European Population Conference | Sustainable Populations | 12-15 June 2024 | Edinburgh, Scotland | University of St Andrews.

    CPC-CG heads to the European Population Conference 2024

    From Thursday 13 June, CPC-CG members will head to the European Population Conference (EPC) in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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    Cover of Resolution Foundation report: Old age tendencies: The impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness ahead of the 2024 general election

    Old age tendencies: The impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness ahead of the 2024 general election

    Connecting Generations members Molly Broome and Sophie Hale have co-authored a new 2024 general election briefing with Resolution Foundation colleagues on the impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness.

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    David McCollum gives a presentation

    CPC-CG seminars round-up

    The 2023/24 academic year has seen us host many CPC-CG seminars, with visitors giving both in-person and online presentations. Most of our seminars are now available to watch on YouTube, so do take the opportunity to catch up using the links below. This year’s seminars covered a broad range of topics from our colleagues across the world:

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    People working with computer in modern office, hands hold notebook paper. Credit: istock.com/PrathanChorruangsak

    Facebook data reveals number of European migrants in the UK decreased in the run-up to Brexit

    A new paper suggests that the number of European migrants living in the UK decreased in the run-up to Brexit, with the most significant decline occurring amongst those aged 20-29 and those with tertiary education.

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    Professor Brienna Perelli-Harris launches the UK's first Generations and Gender Survey

    The UK's first Generations and Gender Survey data now available

    The data from the UK's first Generations and Gender Survey (UK GGS) is now accessible from the UK Data Service data catalogue: United Kingdom Generations and Gender Survey, 2022-2023. The comprehensive new survey reveals the changing face of UK families amid recent economic, social, and political turmoil.

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    Professor Judith Phillips OBE. Credit: University of Stirling

    Professor Judith Phillips OBE elected fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh

    Connecting Generations member Professor Judith Phillips OBE - a world-renowned gerontologist and expert in healthy ageing - has been elected a fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE). Professor Phillips, a leader in the field of positive ageing, has been recognised for her outstanding research and policy work in improving the lives of older people.

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    Jane Falkingham, Mims Davies and Caroline Nokes with roundtable meeting attendees.

    Menopause in the workplace: International Women's Day 2024

    To mark International Women's Day (8 March) CPC-CG Director Professor Jane Falkingham CBE attended a roundtable discussion at 10 Downing Street to discuss employer support for people affected by menopause in the workplace. Professor Falkingham also hosted the Rt Hon Justine Greening for an 'in discussion' event focusing on this year's International Women's Day theme of 'inspiring inclusion' at the University of Southampton on 6 March.

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    How intergenerational voting intentions have changed since the 2019 General Election. Credit: Resolution Foundation

    New report: Britain’s deepening turnout divide

    New analysis from the Resolution Foundation, supported by ESRC Connecting Generations, has found that the turnout divide between richer and poorer young voters is deepening. Millennial non-graduates and non-homeowners are increasingly unlikely to vote compared to their graduate and homeowning counterparts since the last general election.

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