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  • World Population Day 2013

    Thursday 11 July 2013 marks World Population Day, with this year's focus on adolescent pregnancy. To mark this, CPC has released its latest Briefing Paper, 'Longer time spent in education means starting families later in life' which raises the idea that policies aiming to increase educational enrolment rates could potentially have an impact in reducing teenage fertility rates.

    Another CPC Briefing Paper, Twenty+ Futures, considers how global uncertainties - recession, climate change, peak oil, loss of biodiversity, terrorism - impact on how young adults think about their futures, particularly when it comes to finding a partner or becoming a parent.

    "When we devote attention and resources to the education, health and wellbeing of adolescent girls, they will become an even greater force for positive change in society that will have an impact for generations to come." says UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "On this World Population Day, let us pledge to support adolescent girls to realize their potential and contribute to our shared future."

    To find out more about World Population Day 2013, visit the UNFPA wesbite or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook #WorldPopDay

    Posted 11/07/2013 10:39
