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  • Exploring the link between demographic change and poverty in the UK

    What impact has demographic change had on poverty in the UK in the past? What will be the likely future demographic changes and impacts and which groups are most vulnerable? From an anti-poverty perspective, what are the biggest challenges and opportunities presented by demographic change? And how could anti-poverty strategies be informed by experiences of other countries which have seen demographic shifts? These are some of the questions a new review being carried out by CPC researchers Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Athina Vlchantoni will aim to answer.

    The review, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) with in-kind contributions from CPC, will look at how the change in the size and composition of the population, through births, death and migration, as well as changes in family structure and living arrangements, through changing patterns of partnership formation and dissolution, might impact on poverty in the UK.

    The research forms part of JRF's work on 'Anti-poverty Strategies for the UK' which aims to produce an evidence based anti-poverty strategy for all age groups and each nation of the UK. The work will be published by JRF during 2014.

    Posted 01/11/2013 14:43
