The economics of international migration - short course
12 - 16 May 2014 - CPC ran its first short course, aiming to present a detailed picture of international migration today and to give an understanding of the forces behind the patterns of its evolution. Students analysed, both theoretically and empirically, the interaction between international migration and other aspects of globalisation, for example trade, FDI, the diffusion of technology and of culture, as well as the way international migration affects the home and host economies.
International migration is a key aspect of globalisation. While migrants represent about three per cent of the world's population, a relatively stable figure, immigrants now represent nearly ten per cent of the population of OECD countries, a twofold increase in just a couple of decades. Another interesting pattern of international migration is that it is increasingly of the 'brain drain' type.
Led by Michele Beine, visiting from the University of Luxemburg, this course focussed on issues in international and growth/development economics and discussed recent immigration policy proposals.
It was supported by the University of Southampton's ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (DTC).
Posted 04/12/2013 14:56