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  • Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know?

    CPC member, Dr Athina Vlachantoni, has published a blog post on Society Central which discusses her research aiming to understand the differences between and within ethnic groups in terms of occupational pension membership.

    Individuals from particular minority ethnic groups in the UK, such as those from a Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, are among those considered to be 'under-pensioned', that is they are less likely to have adequate pension protection in later life.

    Writing for Society Central, Dr Vlachantoni explains the key issues and why her findings have important implications for the design of policy.

    The research is being conducted by Dr Vlachantoni, along with CPC members Dr Frank Feng, Professor Maria Evandrou and Professor Jane Falkingham, and is funded by the ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative.

    Read the full article on the Society Central website 'Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know?'

    Posted 10/07/2014 10:39
