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  • Demographic change and poverty

    CPC Director, Professor Jane Falkingham, CPC Co-Director, Professor Maria Evandrou and CPC member, Dr Athina Vlachantoni have contributed to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's anti-poverty strategy - Reducing poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews.

    JRF commissioned researchers to carry out reviews of existing policy and research on a wide range of social issues related to poverty. The UK has had several anti-poverty strategies in recent years, often focusing on particular groups, like children or pensioners, or with a specific geographic scope. JRF aimed to produce the first evidenced anti-poverty strategy for all age groups and each UK nation.

    Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Athina Vlachantoni's 4-page review - Demographic Change and Poverty - is based on their latest CPC Working Paper entitled 'Exploring the link between demographic change and poverty in the UK'.

    The summary aims to help readers understand that past demographic change and its association with poverty can provide valuable lessons for the design of social policies aimed at addressing poverty within an increasingly diverse population.

    Visit the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's website to read CPC's contribution to the publication - Reducing poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews - beginning on Page 8.

    Posted 03/09/2014 21:27
