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  • Why is planning for an ageing population so difficult?

    CPC Director, Professor Jane Falkingham considers this issue in the guardian.com in advance of the big ageing population debate, which took place on Thursday 11th September 2014.

    The article discusses the three components of demographic change and the challenges associated with planning for this change. With numbers of people aged 75 and over expected to double by 2040, society needs to adapt quickly. We know the population is ageing - now we must embrace the challenge. "Pensions may be thought of as the oil tanker of social policy, involving a lengthy time lag to change direction" writes CPC's Jane Falkingham. For more articles relating to the big ageing population debate, visit the Guardian website.

    Jane also contributed to the Guardian's article 'How can older people's skills be valued after life's rush hour?' in which she questions whether we need to rethink and restructure our working lives in light of the opinion that "70 is the new 60". You can read more from Jane on how work over the life course could be redistributed in light of population ageing in 'Europe's Citizens should have a choice'.

    Posted 12/09/2014 14:16
