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  • Facing the facts: The truth about ageing and development

    Professor Jane Falkingham contributes to Age International publication "Facing the facts: The truth about ageing and development"

    Age International's flagship publication brings together 25 high profile thought leaders, development experts and academics to discuss the impact of an ageing world on international development.

    Professor Jane Falkingham's chapter 'The changing shape of society" discusses the preconceptions of ageing. The global population is ageing at an unprecedented pace, with the most rapid changes taking place in developing countries, presenting us with challenges that can no longer be ignored.

    Jane writes that while "population ageing is something to celebrate... it also presents challenges, particularly in those countries which have grown old before they've grown rich."

    The publication will be launched on 2nd February 2015 at the House of Lords.

    Please visit the Age International website to read the full publication.

    Posted 02/02/2015 09:30
