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  • CPC contributes Local Government and the Demography of Ageing evidence review to LGA Ageing Task and Finish Group

    CPC and CRA members Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham, Madelín Gómez León, James Robards and Athina Vlachantoni have prepared an evidence review on Local Government and the Demography of Ageing. This review forms part of the 'Need to Know' series, a joint commission by the Local Government Knowledge Navigator and the Local Government Association (LGA).

    'Need to Know' reports are summaries of available research-derived knowledge and evidence relevant to topics that have been identified to the Knowledge Navigator as priorities by local government. They:
    • Highlight key areas of relevant knowledge
    • Signpost where the evidence can be accessed in more detail, and
    • Identify where research investment has potential to meet any gaps identified in that knowledge and evidence base.

    The Local Government and the Demography of Ageing review forms part of a Call for Evidence used to inform the LGA Ageing Task and Finish Group, which is overseeing a focused piece of work to address how local councils can take a pro-active approach to demographic change, going forward. The final report, due to be published in June 2015, will set out a series of clear policy proposals, in order to inform the future work and campaigns of the LGA, and for consideration by an incoming government.

    This review on the demography of ageing and the role of local government focuses on the main opportunities and challenges posed by population ageing for policymakers at the local level, and the ways in which such opportunities and challenges might be addressed.

    Read the full review: Local Government and the Demography of Ageing

    To find out more about the LGA Ageing Task and Finish Group, or to see all resources which contributed to the Group's discussion and debate, please visit the Local Government Association website.

    To find out more about CPC research in this area, see our section on Increasing longevity and the changing life course.

    Posted 31/03/2015 09:44
