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    CPC at the British Society for Population Studies conference 2021

    The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) holds an annual conference each September and, like last year, it will be hosted online on 14 and 15 September 2021.

    Within the virtual format, sessions will be shorter than at the in-person conference, and are expected to last one hour, with four presentations per session. Appreciating that networking is an integral part of conferences, BSPS is working towards making virtual networking part of this year’s conference. There will also be two ONS sessions on Developments in Official Statistics and two workshops/panel sessions on 13 September.

    CPC researchers have been contributing to BSPS by volunteering as strand organisers, submitting papers to present, and chairing sessions. We are delighted that our researcher, Heini Väisänen, has been given the 2021 BSPS early career award, and will be sharing her research on ‘When a pregnancy does not end in a live birth: quantifying the untold stories of sexual and reproductive health’ in the early career plenary.

    There is no registration cost associated with the BSPS 2021 virtual conference, but all attendees must have BSPS membership to gain the access codes. Memberships can be renewed on the LSE website.

    Attendees of BSPS 2021 can hear more about CPC research in the sessions below, and you can follow our live tweets on twitter, @CPCpopulation or by following the event #BSPS2021.

    Monday 13 September 2021

    Session: Training sessions/workshops aimed at early‐career researchers
    Title: Panel discussion on 'How to get a postdoc'
    Professor Jane Falkingham, University of Southampton, CPC
    Dr Alice Goisis, UCL
    Dr Abigail Page, LSHTM
    Dr Francesca Fiori, University of St Andrews, CPC
    Convenors: Júlia Mikolai (University of St Andrews, CPC) & Alyce Raybould (UCL)

    Tuesday 14 September 2021

    Session: Health & mortality: Child & adolescent health
    Title: BMI over the life course among only children & siblings
    Authors: Chanfreau, Goisis, Barclay, Keenan

    Session: Families & households: Relationships
    Title: Parental socioeconomic status & young Britons' family expectations: Do family structure & educational aspirations, during adolescence, mediate this relationship?
    Authors: Palumbo et al.

    Session: Ethnicity: Education, employment, place & ethnic inequalities
    Title: Documenting the lives of ethnic and religious minorities in the pandemic: Reflections from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS)
    Authors: Finney, Nazroo, Shlomo et al.

    Session: Ageing: Social participation, work & retirement
    Chair: Maria Evandrou

    Session: Covid‐19: Impacts on families, fertility & vaccine hesitancy
    Title: Changing living arrangements, family dynamics and stress during lockdown: evidence from four birth cohorts in the UK
    Authors: Evandrou, Falkingham, Qin, Vlachantoni


    Session: Migration: Union & family formation among immigrants & their descendants
    Chair: Julia Mikolai
    Title: Family trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in four European countries
    Authors: Kulu, Mikolai, Delaporte, Liu, Campbell, Andersson

    Session: Ageing: Understanding wellbeing & social care preferences across the life course
    Chair: Athina Vlachantoni
    Title: Attitudes and preferences towards future old‐age support amongst tomorrow’s elders in China
    Authors: Qin, Falkingham, Evandrou, Vlachantoni


    Session: Reproductive health & infertility
    Chair: Heini Väisänen
    Title: Cross-national differences in the use of contraception and abortion services between England, Wales and Scotland
    Authors: Kuang, Berrington


    Session: Early career plenary
    Title: When a pregnancy does not end in a live birth: quantifying the untold stories of sexual and reproductive health
    Speaker: Väisänen


    Session: Migration: Family & employment of migrants & their descendants
    Title: The impact of childbearing & partnership changes on the employment outcomes of immigrants & their descendants in France: A multistate approach
    Authors: Delaporte, Kulu

    Session: Migration: Family & employment of migrants & their descendants
    Title: Employment and family trajectories of immigrants in the UK: An application of multi-channel sequence analysis
    Authors: Mikolai, Kulu

    Session: Migration: Family & employment of migrants & their descendants
    Title: Work and family pathways of immigrant women in Germany
    Authors: Liu, Kulu

    Session: Determinants of fertility
    Title: Moving home or having a baby: what comes first? Understanding the realisation of jointly held childbearing and mobility intentions in UK
    Authors: Christison, Kulu, Fiori, Keenan

    Wednesday 15 September 2021

    Session: Migration: Internal migration, space & place
    Title: Examining new spatial and social mobilities to understand the shaping of geographical inequalities across the UK
    Authors: So, Finney, McCollum, Kulu

    Session: Fertility: Low fertility trends & projections
    Title: Recent trends in UK fertility and scenarios for impact of Covid-19
    Authors: Berrington, Ellison, Kuang, Vasireddy, Kulu

    Session: Fertility: Low fertility trends & projections
    Title: Two decades of fertility fluctuation in Great Britain
    Authors: Kulu, Kuang, Berrington

    Session: Families & households: Work & family
    Title: For better or worse: Economic strain and relationship quality during the Covid-19 pandemic
    Authors: Perelli-Harris, Chao, Berrington

    Session: Ageing: Effects of chronic conditions, comorbidities & multi-morbidity on elderly persons
    Title: Understanding sociodemographic inequalities in rapidly developing multi-morbidity trajectories in Scotland: An application of sequence analysis
    Authors: Cezard, Sullivan, Keenan


    Session: Health & mortality: Place and health
    Title: The effect of air pollution on health in the UK by ethnic groups: A multi-level analysis
    Authors: Abed Al Ahad, Sullivan, Demšar, Kulu

    Session: Fertility: Spatial variation in fertility
    Title: A Spatial Durbin Panel approach to understanding fertility in the UK 2013-2019
    Authors: Dorey, Kulu

    Session: Fertility: Spatial variation in fertility
    Title: Individual and aggregate conditions of first births in Finland, 2012-2018
    Authors: Campisi, Kulu, Mikolai, Klüsener, Myrskylä


    Session: Data science: Bayesian methods in demography
    Title: Extending the Integrated Model of European Migration
    Authors: Aristotelous, Smith, Bijak

    Session: Data science: Bayesian methods in demography
    Title: Combining data sources to develop a Bayesian fertility projection model for England and Wales
    Authors: Ellison, Berrington, Dodd, Forster


    Session: Migration: Health & wellbeing of immigrants
    Title: Is a healthy immigrant a wealthy immigrant? Reproductive health among migrant women in Finland 2000-17
    Authors: Väisänen, Remes, Martikainen

    Session: Migration: Health & wellbeing of immigrants
    Title: Transnational healthcare as process: Multiplicity and directionality in the engagements with healthcare among Polish migrants in the UK
    Authors: Troccoli, Moreh, McGhee, Vlachantoni

    Session: Ageing: The effect of caregiving across the life course
    Chair: Athina Vlachantoni
    Title: Grandchild caring and late-life depression: A comparative longitudinal study in China and Europe
    Authors: Yang

    Session: Ageing: The effect of caregiving across the life course
    Chair: Athina Vlachantoni
    Title: The association between caregiving duration and later loneliness in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
    Authors: Davison


    Session: Families & households: Family transitions & child outcomes
    Title: Residential mobility and child outcomes: investigating the role of family social background
    Authors: Fiori

    Session: Families & households: Family transitions & child outcomes
    Title: Is parental separation by age ten associated with offspring hypertension at midlife, and what are the potential mediating pathways in childhood? Findings from the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study (BCS70)
    Authors: Stannard, Berrington, Alwan

    Session: Families & households: Family transitions & child outcomes
    Title: Family complexity and young children’s health outcomes in the UK: A longitudinal study
    Authors: Kyclova, Mikolai, Finney, Keenan

    Strand Organisers

    CPC members have also been involved in organising the following strands:
    Ageing and the life course - Athina Vlachantoni
    Data science: Innovative data, methods and models – Jason Hilton
    Ethnicity / Ethnicity and Covid-19 – Nissa Finney
    Family complexity and child outcomes – Júlia Mikolai and Katherine Keenan
    Internal and international migration – Júlia Mikolai and Matthew Wallace
    Employment, occupation, and labour market integration of immigrants and their descendants across industrialised countries – Júlia Mikolai and Hill Kulu

    Posted 06/08/2021 09:51
