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    CPC at the International Population Conference 2021

    From 5-10 December, CPC members will be attending the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) International Population Conference (IPC2021).

    The IPC is the world’s largest scientific conference on population and demography. The conference brings together researchers, policymakers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and from across the globe, to present and discuss the latest research on a broad range of contemporary population issues.

    At the invitation of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP), the 29th International Population Conference was to take place entirely in Hyderabad, India from 5-10 December 2021 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. Given the Covid-19 pandemic, IPC2021 is now a completely virtual conference. There will, unfortunately, be no in-person events in Hyderabad, India.

    The virtual conference will offer around-the-clock sessions to enable participants from around the world to present new research and meet with colleagues. All sessions will be available on-demand as video recordings. Opportunities to meet, discuss and interact virtually with colleagues will be provided.

    At this year’s conference, CPC Director, Professor Jane Falkingham, is the theme convenor for 'Older adults and intergenerational relations', and CPC researchers and associates are involved in over 40 sessions over the week.

    Attendees of IPC2021 can hear more about CPC research in the sessions below, and you can follow our live tweets on twitter @CPCpopulation or by following the event #IPC2021.

    The full programme and registration details are available on the IUSSP website.

    Monday 6 December 2021
    10:00-11:30 UTC

    Session: Fertility: Preferences and intentions
    Title: The effect of birth intention status on maternal and child outcomes in 59 low- and middle-income countries: A fixed effects analysis
    Authors: Väisänen, Batyra


    Session: Fertility and sexual and reproductive health: New methods
    Title: Analysing individuals’ fertility behaviour using machine learning techniques: An application of random survival forest to french data
    Authors: Delaporte, Kulu


    Session: Fertility and sexual and reproductive health: New methods
    Title: Improving methodology for fertility forecasting through the incorporation of individual-level data and population-level parity information
    Authors: Ellison, Berrington, Dodd, Forster, Bijak

    Tuesday 7 December 2021

    Session: Impact of environmental factors on population health and wellbeing
    Title: The association between exposure to air pollution and multimorbidity: a longitudinal linkage study in China
    Authors: Hu, Keenan, Hale, Hill Kulu, Liu


    Session: Timing and childbearing
    Title: Intergenerational transmission of fertility in the UK: A parity-specific investigation using the 1970 British Cohort Study
    Authors: Keenan, Mikolai, King


    Session: Labour market position and economic effects of migration
    Title: Labor market integration of immigrant mothers in Germany
    Authors: Liu, Kulu

    Session: Labour market position and economic effects of migration
    Title: Employment and family trajectories of immigrants in the UK: An application of multi-channel sequence analysis
    Authors: Mikolai, Kulu


    Session: Poster session 9
    Title: Cross-national differences in the use of contraception and abortion services between England, Wales and Scotland
    Authors: Kuang, Berrington


    Session: Fertility and childbearing
    Title: Two decades of fertility fluctuation in Great Britain
    Authors: Kulu, Kuang, Berrington

    Wednesday 8 December 2021

    Session: Research Leader: Quantifying Uncertain Migration Scenarios (Sponsored by the QuantMig Project / University of Southampton)
    Title: Introduction: Uncertainty and complexity in migration scenarios
    Chair and author: Bijak


    Session: Estimating and modelling mortality
    Title: Modelling weekly mortality incorporating annual trends
    Authors: Ellison, Hilton, Dodd, Forster, Smith, Bijak


    Session: Use and misuse of preventive and curative treatments: The role of socioeconomic factors
    Title: The role of multidimensional poverty in antibiotic misuse: A study of self-medication and non-adherence in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
    Authors: Green, Huque, Keenan, Neema, Mwanga, Aduda, Sloan, Kesby, Mary Abed al Ahad, Mushi, Gillespie, Sabiiti, Sandeman, Lynch, Kiiru, Mshana, Asiimwe, Holden

    Thursday 9 December 2021

    Session: The influence of family structure and dynamics on children's health and wellbeing
    Title: Family complexity and young children’s health outcomes in the UK: A longitudinal study
    Authors: Kyclova, Mikolai, Finney, Keenan

    Friday 10 December 2021

    Session: Fertility transition and prospects
    Title: Scenario-based fertility projections incorporating impacts of COVID-19
    Authors: Berrington, Ellison, Kuang, Vasireddy, Kulu


    Session: Trajectories in multimorbidity
    Title: Social inequalities in multimorbidity trajectories in Scotland: longitudinal study using linked census-linked administrative data from middle-aged and older adults
    Authors: Keenan, Cezard

    Session: Trajectories in multimorbidity
    Title: Trajectories of multimorbidity in South Africa: A multistate modelling approach adults
    Authors: Lam, Keenan, Myrskyla, Kulu


    Session: Family transitions in longitudinal perspective
    Title: Family trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in four European countries
    Authors: Kulu, Mikolai, Delaporte, Liu, Campbell, Andersson


    Session: Older adults and intergenerational relations
    Title: Changing living arrangements and stress during Covid-19 lockdown: Evidence from four birth cohorts in the UK
    Authors: Evandrou, Falkingham, Qin, Vlachantoni

    Posted 11/11/2021 14:04
