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    Taking part in the British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) annual conference 2022

    The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) holds an annual conference each September and this year it will return to an in-person event hosted at the University of Winchester from 5-7 September 2022.

    CPC researchers have been contributing to BSPS by volunteering as strand organisers, submitting papers to present, and chairing sessions.

    Attendees of BSPS 2022 can hear more about our members' research in the sessions below, and you can follow our live tweets on twitter, @CPCpopulation @ConnectingGens or by following the event #BSPS2022. Full programme and registration details are available from the BSPS website.

    Monday 5 September 2022

    Session: Health: Environmental exposures, behaviours & health
    Title: The long‐term effect of air pollution on mortality by ethnicity in Scotland: A 16‐years follow‐up cohort study (2002‐2017)
    Authors: Abed Al Ahad, Demšar, Sullivan, Kulu

    Session: Migration: Economic outcomes
    Title: The divergence of labour force participation upon motherhood between migrant descendants and natives in Germany
    Authors: Liu, Kulu

    Session: Families & households:Gender & parenthood
    Title: Understanding trends and patterns in life satisfaction during the Pandemic: Gender, work, and family care
    Authors: Berrington, Chao

    Session: The impact of informal care & support across the life course
    Title: The impact of changing social support on older persons’ onset of loneliness during the Covid‐19 pandemic in the UK
    Authors: Vlachantoni, Evandrou, Falkingham, Qin

    Session: The impact of informal care & support across the life course
    Title: The impact of grandchild care provision on grandparents’ depressive symptoms across Europe using multi‐level analysis: Do the grandchild caring patterns and the country’s economy matter?
    Authors: Yang, Evandrou, Vlachantoni


    Session: Ethnic inequalities during the pandemic: early results from the EVENS survey
    Title: Introducing the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) for understanding experiences of ethnic minorities during the coronavirus pandemic
    Authors: Finney et al.

    Session: Ethnic inequalities during the pandemic: early results from the EVENS survey
    Title: Complex articulations of ethnic identity
    Authors: Borkowska, Finney, Nazroo

    Session: Ethnic inequalities during the pandemic: early results from the EVENS survey
    Title: Local belonging, housing and ethnicity: descriptive results from EVENS
    Authors: Harrison, Finney, Haycox, Hill

    Tuesday 6 September 2022

    Session: Migration: Family formation & dissolution
    Title: Childbearing and employment of immigrants and their descendants in three European countries: A multistate approach
    Authors: Mikolai, Kulu, Delaporte, Liu

    Session: Migration: Family formation & dissolution
    Title: Post‐separation mobility outcomes among immigrant‐native mixed couples. A matter of relative bargaining positions within households?
    Authors: Lacroix, Mikolai,Kulu


    Session: Families & households: Partnerships
    Title: Partnership, fertility, and employment trajectories of the descendants of immigrants in the UK: An application of multichannel sequence analysis
    Authors: Mikolai, Kulu

    Session: Fertility & reproductive health: Health, wellbeing & fertility
    Title: Multi‐partner fertility and obesity risk at midlife: Explorative findings from the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70)
    Authors: Stannard, Berrington, Alwan

    Session: Ethnicity, ageing & health
    Title: Work life expectancies among immigrants in three European countries: A multistate life‐table approach
    Authors: Kulu, Hoehn, Mikolai, Delaporte, Liu, Andersson

    Session: Ethnicity, ageing & health
    Title: Loneliness and social isolation of ethnic‐minority‐immigrant older adults: A scoping review
    Authors: Ma, Finney, Hale


    Session: Low fertility: Subgroup analyses
    Title: Educational differences in childbearing by parity: A cross‐national comparison of England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
    Authors: Kuang, Christison, Kulu, Berrington

    Wednesday 7 September 2022

    Session: Ethnic segregation, diversity &neighbourhoods
    Title: The re‐making of diverse places: narratives of housing and inclusion
    Authors: Haycox, Finney et al.

    Session: Families & work
    Title: The impact of family formation on the labour market trajectories of immigrant populations in France: A multiprocess analysis
    Authors: Delaporte, Kulu

    Session: Low fertility: Age & parity perspectives
    Title: Fertility trends by birth order in Britain: The comparison between England and Wales, and Scotland
    Authors: Kulu, Kuang, Christison, Ellison, Berrington

    Session: Migration: Mobility
    Title: Understanding the realization of jointly held residential mobility and fertility intentions: How has the sequencing of intention fulfilment changed over time?
    Authors: Christison, Kulu, Fiori, Keenan


    Session: Families & households: Children & young people
    Title: Family complexity and young children’s mental health in the UK: The role of socioeconomic status
    Authors: Kyclova, Mikolai, Finney, Keenan

    Session: Data Science: Innovations in modelling and forecasting
    Title: Improving methods for fertility forecasting through the Incorporation of parity Information
    Authors: Ellison, Berrington, Bijak, Dodd

    Posted 25/07/2022 12:54
