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  • Are Older Migrants in Nairobi 'Returning'?

    Circular and return migration between urban and rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa is not a new phenomenon, however the majority of previous research has focused on labour migration. Rather than focussing on migration among people of working age, this new research from the ESRC Centre for Population Change and the Centre for Research on Ageing, explores the determinants of migration in older age groups, recognising that old age also marks a stage in the life course associated with migration.

    Investigating out migration of older people from the slums of Nairobi the research, carried out by Jane Falkingham, Gloria Langat and Maria Evandrou, found that, on average, the longer an individual had lived in the slum the less likely they were to leave. Being involved in community activities also decreases the likelihood of leaving. Conversely, having an adult child who lives outside the city increased the chance of out-migration. Interestingly, the poorest older people are the most likely to out migrate, emphasising the importance of poverty in asserting a departure.

    The full paper has been published by Wiley in 'Population Place and Space' and can be downloaded here.

    Posted 15/07/2011 16:46
