New Working Papers
CPC has 4 new papers in its working paper series;
Berrington, A. Beaujouan, E. Lyons-Amos, M. & Ní Bhrolcháin, M. (2011) Evaluation of the Partnership Histories in the Centre for Population Change GHS Time Series Dataset CPC Working Paper 12.
Raymer, J. Abel, G.J. Rogers, A. (2011) Does Specification Matter? Experiments with Simple Multiregional Probabilistic Population Projections CPC Working Paper 13.
McCollum, D. Findlay, A. (2011) Employer and labour provider perspectives on Eastern European migration to the UK CPC Working Paper 14.
Raymer, J. Abel, G J, Disney, G. & Wisniowski, A. (2011) Improving Estimates of Migration Flows to Eurostat CPC Working Paper 15.
Posted 07/12/2011 15:14