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  • How will climate change impact on migration?

    The question of 'how climate change will impact on migration' is currently at the forefront of the UK Governments agenda, leading to the commissioning of a two year study that was published in October. The Migration and Global Environmental Change report, published by Forsight, draws on evidence produced by experts to understand how profound changes in environmental conditions such as flooding, drought and rising sea levels will influence and interact with patterns of global human migration over the next 50 years.

    CPC member Prof. Allan Findlay, along with CPC colleagues David McCollum, Jakub Bijak and Guy Abel was involved in two of the reports that formed part of the Foresight programme's evidence base.

    An executive summary of the report can be downloaded here.

    A short briefing on this work, presented at the Centre on Migration,Policy and Society can be viewed here.

    Posted 25/01/2012 11:36
