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  • A new framework for migration statistics

    In the UK, annual population and migration statistics are produced to meet a diverse range of requirements relating to resource allocation, policy making, local service provision, commerce and research. They provide information on how populations are changing over time, which is influenced by wider social, cultural and natural environments.

    Censuses, administrative registers and surveys are used as sources of data for these statistics. Furthermore, estimation is often used to combine sources of information together, to augment the data with other information, to infer missing patterns, or to align the source of information to the particular migration or population concept required. To bring together the data, concepts, processing and outputs, a conceptual framework is required.

    Recently, a framework has been developed as a collaborative project between the University of Southampton (including CPC member James Raymer), the University of Leeds and the Office for National Statistics. The framework provides a structured way to link all the detail involved in translating requirements at a high level to a coherent set of outputs. It is also useful as a basis for determining where to focus future improvements to population and migration statistics.

    To read more about the conceptual framework for migration statistics, to download a summary or the full report click here.

    Posted 30/03/2012 15:03
