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  • BSPS annual conference 2013

    9 - 11 September 2013 - The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) annual conference was held at the University of Swansea and CPC members were in attendance.

    There was a full programme of simultaneous strand sessions, and papers and posters were presented across the entire demographic and population studies spectrum.

    From CPC, Dr Jakub Bijak was strand organiser for the session on Demographic consequences of large-scale population crises; Dr Amos Channon was strand organiser for Health & mortality; and Dr Dieter Demey was strand organiser for Life course linkages.

    There were two plenary sessions.
    - Monica Das Gupta (The World Bank), speaking about Demography, gender and kinship
    - Mary Daly (University of Oxford), on Family policy in the UK & Europe - does it respond to fertility and ageing?

    Full information is available on the BSPS website.

    Posted 22/01/2013 11:46
