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  • Policy event on recent changes in housing and independent living for young adults

    The findings of a programme of research on independent living among young adults were presented to a policy audience at the Local Government Association (LGA) offices, Smith Square, London, on 23 November 2012. It aimed to inform the development of social policy and practice by identifying new trends in young adults' housing transitions, exploring the impact of recession, the choices facing those finishing higher education and highlighting the role of intergenerational support.

    The key findings from five interrelated projects undertaken within CPC were presented, with Kathleen Kelly, Policy and Research Manager at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, acting as discussant. Afterwards, there was a panel discussion of the policy implications with invited experts in housing and youth from third sector organisations, and local and national Government, including Stephen Aldridge from the Department of Communities and Local Government, Gavin Smart, Director of Policy and Practice at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), David Clapham, Professor of Planning at the University of Reading, and Pauline McLoughlin of the Centre for Housing Research (CHR), University of St Andrews.

    Speakers, including Dr Ann Berrington, Professor Sue Heath, Professor Lynn Jamieson, Dr Jo Sage and Dr Juliet Stone, considered topics such as: how constrained housing markets and rising unemployment have affected young adults' housing pathways; the boomerang generation, looking at who is returning to the parental home, and why; whether owner-occupation is beyond the reach of contemporary young adults; and how parents are supporting children during the transition to financial and residential independence.

    A full roundup of the event, including research findings and panel insights, plus presentations from the day are available to download from the CPC website.

    Posted 24/01/2013 09:21
