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  • New CPC advisory board member

    CPC would like to welcome Mike Daly, from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), as a new member of the CPC advisory board.

    Mike's work in DWP's Central Analysis Division includes oversight of DWP's research programme, security assurance for research projects, and providing expert support to research and evaluation activity across the working age areas of DWP. Mike has been a member of the Cross-Government Evaluation Group since 2009, and was part of the working group developing the new version of the Magenta Book, the government guide to evaluation. He is also a member of the DWP Data Access Ethics Committee.

    Mike is a career Civil Servant, having worked as a government statistician since leaving Cambridge University in 1980. He has worked in a wide variety of analytical posts, in fields including: consumer price indices; labour supply estimation/projection; small business statistics, analysis and monitoring of training programmes. In 1997 Mike moved to the then Employment Service to work on the evaluation of New Deal for Young People. Over the next ten years he was involved in much of the evaluation activity of UK Welfare to Work programmes.

    "We are extremely pleased to be welcoming Mike to our advisory board," says Professor Jane Falkingham, CPC Director. "We look forward to benefitting from his wealth of experience to ensure CPC's research is relevant and accessible to policy makers and practitioners."

    Posted 30/01/2013 15:04
