New CPC Working Papers
CPC has produced eight new working papers since our last newsletter in Autumn 2013. We hope you like the new-look covers launched at the start of 2014, as well as the improved listings on the CPC website:
CPC Working Paper 40, authored by Han Lin Shang and Peter W.F. Smith considers grouped time-series forecasting with an application to regional infant mortality counts.
CPC Working Paper 41, authored by Han Lin Shang, Peter W.F. Smith, Jakub Bijak and Arek Wisniowski, provides a functional data analysis approach for forecasting population.
CPC Working Paper 42, authored by Helen Packwood and Allan Findlay, looks at immigration to Scotland and the constitutional change debate.
CPC Working Paper 43, authored by Costanza Biavaschi, Corrado Giulietti and Zahra Siddique, examines the economic payoff of name Americanization.
CPC Working Paper 44, authored by Scott Tindal, David McCollum and David Bell, considers immigration policy and constitutional change, taking into account the perspectives on Scottish employers and industry representatives.
CPC Working Paper 45, authored by Janet Lowe and Vernon Gayle, looks at moving from lifelong learning to youth employment in the context of higher education in Scotland's colleges.
CPC Working Paper 46, authored by Agnese Vitali, Arnstein Aassve and Frank F. Furstenburg, examines wealth inequalities across generations.
CPC Working Paper 47, authored by Eva Beaujouan, Ann Berrington, Mark Lyons-Amos and Maire Ni Brolchain, forms the user guide to the Centre for Population Change GHS database 1979-2009.
CPC Working Paper 48, authored by Ann Berrington, considers the changing demography of lone parenthood in the UK.
Read the other Working Papers in the series on the CPC website.
Posted 09/04/2014 11:45