Posted 21/09/2010 12:08
More Information
Further information on the Centre for Population Change can be found on our website - www.cpc.ac.uk or by emailing us at cpc@soton.ac.uk
Continue ReadingPosted 21/09/2010 12:08
Further information on the Centre for Population Change can be found on our website - www.cpc.ac.uk or by emailing us at cpc@soton.ac.uk
Continue ReadingPosted 25/08/2010 14:57
CPC are pleased to sponsor The Young Statisticians' Meeting 2011, an annual conference organised by career young statisticians. The event is specifically tailored to the needs of statisticians and researchers in the first ten years of relevant career. It is an excellent opportunity to network amongst peers, present research in a friendly atmosphere and discover a variety of other statistical topics currently being researched. YSM 2011 is being held at the University of Southampton, on the 12th-14th April 2011.
Posted 30/07/2010 15:54
In September, members of the ESRC Centre for Population Change presented their work at the European Population Conference 2010 in Vienna. Members also chaired sessions and presented posters.
Posted 30/09/2010 16:39
CPC were pleased to sponsor the eighteenth PopFest Conference which was held at the University of St Andrews in association with the University of Dundee, from 28th to 30th June. PopFest is an annual conference organised by postgraduates from all disciplines studying any aspect of population and demography. The postgraduate presenters delivered a range of interesting and diverse papers, each session ably chaired by fellow post-graduates.
Posted 03/08/2010 15:11
CPC members presented papers and chaired sessions at the British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference. This year the conference was held at the University of Exeter between the 13th and 15th September.
Posted 05/07/2010 15:12
St Andrews was the venue for the second joint ESRC/CASS Conference on Migration & Labour Markets on 12th-14th June 2010. The conference included presentations from both CPC members, other academics and members of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in several research debates.
Posted 20/09/2010 16:05
'Population Change in the UK' was the title of the talk that Jane Falkingham presented at the British Science Festival at Aston University on 17th September 2010. Jane's talk was attended by over 80 people, many of whom were members of the general public.
Posted 27/05/2010 16:02
Six new working papers have recently been published:
Posted 28/09/2010 11:03
Five papers by CPC researchers have been included in the Autumn 2010 issue of Population Trends.They were chosen to showcase both the range of research topics and the variety of datasets being used within the Centre.
Posted 27/05/2010 14:56
The ESRC Centre for Population Change was established in January 2009. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, it is the UKs first research centre on population change. Based jointly at the University of Southampton and the General Register Office Scotland, the ESRC Centre for Population Change brings together expertise from the Universities of Southampton, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Stirling and Dundee as well as the General Register Office for Scotland and The Office for National Statistics.