This study investigates how COVID-19-related health- and socio-economic vulnerabilities co-occur at the household level, and how they are distributed across household types and geographical areas in the United Kingdom.
Publications & Activities
Intersecting household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK
Population Health (2020). 12
Authors: Mikolai J, Keenan K, Kulu H,
Household factors and the effects of COVID-19 The Geographer. 2020
News article in The Geographer about Julia Mikolai's research, household factors and Covid-19
Does our household type put us at more risk from the effects of Covid-19? Understanding Society. 2020
Links to research by Mikolai, Keenan, Kulu (2020)Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK, SocArXiv
Living in a crowded house can raise risk of harm
Newspaper article in The Herald linking to research paper, 'Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Household factors may exacerbate COVID-19 health risks Medical Xpress. 2020
News article on Medical Xpress linking to research paper, 'Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Coronavirus outbreak could increase inequalities, study suggests The Sunday Post. 2020
News article in The Sunday Post linking to research paper, 'Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Coronavirus outbreak could increase inequalities, study suggests The Evening Telegraph. 2020
News article in The Evening Telegraph linking to research paper, 'Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Coronavirus outbreak could increase inequalities, study suggests The Evening Express. 2020
News article in The Evening Express linking to research paper, Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Household factors may exacerbate effects of Covid-19, according to St Andrews research The Courier. 2020
News article in The Courier linking to research paper, Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK' by Julia Mikolai, Katherine Keenan and Hill Kulu
Household factors may exacerbate Covid-19 health risks St Andrews website. 2020
News article based upon paper by Dr Julia Mikolai, Dr Katherine Keenan and professor Hill Kulu, "Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK"