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  • Project contributors: Bijak J, Smith P, Forster J, Raymer J, Abel G, Wiśniowski A, Van-de-Erf R, Keillman N, Schoorl J, Christiansen S,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Population estimation and forecasting

    Migration and Mobility


    The project Integrated Modelling of European Migration (IMEM), funded by New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe (NORFACE Migration), brought together academics and researchers with expertise in migration modelling (Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute and the ESRC Centre for Population Change), expert knowledge (University of Oslo) and data on migration (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute). The project started in November 2009 and finished in April 2012. Full details can be found on the IMEM database website.

    As a result of this project, the Integrated Modelling of European Migration (IMEM) database was created to provide tables of migration flows among 31 countries in the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA), as well as to and from the rest of the world.

    The estimated migration flows relate to the flows of long-term migrants as defined in the Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration (United Nations 1998).

    Estimated flows can be presented by country of origin, country of destination, age and sex, for years 2002 to 2008. They also include measures of uncertainty.

    The database is available online at www.imem.cpc.ac.uk

    Publications & Activities

    Estimation of international migration flow tables in Europe
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (2010). 173 (4) 797-825
    Authors: Abel G,

    Estimation of international migration flow tables in Europe
    Integrated Modelling of European Migration Workshop (2011). (Southampton)
    Authors: Abel G,

    Wiśniowski A, Bijak J, Kupiszewski K, Kupiszewska D, (2012) Chapter 9 - European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications
    Amsterdam University Press

    Bijak J, (2010) Forecasting International Migration in Europe: A Bayesian View

    Improving estimates of migration flows to Eurostat
    Authors: Raymer J, Abel G, Disney G, Wiśniowski A,

    Innovations in International Migration for Use in Global Population Projections
    Population Association of America 2013 Annual Meeting (2013). (New Orleans)
    Authors: Abel G, Sander N,

    Integrated Modelling of European Migration
    Invited presentation to the International Migration Institute (2012). (Department of International Development, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Integrated Modelling of European Migration: A first look at the final results
    Invited presentation to the Department of Geography (2011). (University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Integrated Modelling of European Migration: A first look at the final results
    British Society for Population Studies Conference 2011 (2011). (York)
    Authors: Wiśniowski A, Forster J, Raymer J, Smith P, Bijak J,

    Integrated Modelling of European Migration: age and sex-specific estimates
    JSM 2013 (2013). (Montreal, Canada)
    Authors: Smith P,

    Integrated modelling of European migration
    The decision to emigrate: Agent-based modelling of international migration (2013). (Rostock)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Integrated modelling of European migration
    European Population Conference 2010 (2010). (University of Vienna)
    Authors: Wiśniowski A, Forster J, Raymer J, Smith P, Bijak J, Abel G,

    Integrated modelling of European migration: A first look at the final results by age and sex
    European Population Conference (2012). (Stockholm)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Invited presentation: Modelling migration flows with inadequate and missing data
    Working Group on Applied, Bayesian and Computational Statistics (2011). (Center for Statistics and Social Sciences, University of Washington, Seattl)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Invited presentation: Smoothing, repairing and augmenting the International Passenger Survey's immigration flows
    ESRC Census Programme Workshop on UK International Migration Data: Sources and Key Issues (2011). (Leeds)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Migration patterns and projections
    Seminar (2010). (Vrje Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)
    Authors: Raymer J,

    Modelling migration flows
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (2010). 173 (4) 703-705
    Authors: Raymer J, Smith P,

    Statistical Modelling of International Migration Flows
    Methodological seminar (2011). (Statistics New Zealand, Christchurch)
    Authors: Bijak J, Wiśniowski A,

    The IMEM Model for Estimating International Migration Flows between countries in Europe
    Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (2011). (Seattle, USA)
    Authors: Raymer J, Forster J, Smith P, Bijak J, Wiśniowski A, Abel G,

    The IMEM Model for Estimating International Migration Flows between countries in Europe
    Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge Conference (2011). (London)
    Authors: Raymer J, Forster J, Smith P, Bijak J, Wiśniowski A, Abel G,

    The IMEM Model for Estimating International Migration Flows between countries in Europe
    Annual Meeting of Population Association of America (2011). (Washington)
    Authors: Raymer J, Forster J, Smith P, Bijak J, Wiśniowski A, Abel G,