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  • Project contributors: Bridgen P, Meyer T, Barbulescu R,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Migration and Mobility


    When the European Economic Community was founded in 1957, its purpose was a peaceful and stable Europe, and the creation of a common market was considered to be central to achieving this aim. Mobile citizens were constituents of this common market from the start, and to enable mobility, the Community pledged to remove obstacles workers might face. This was the theory. In practice, it took a long time until more specific rights were introduced, and until today, mobile workers might well be penalised for moving between countries.

    This project explores the mobility of social rights in Europe from the perspective of pensions, among the most significant and long-lasting for citizens. In order not to be disadvantaged in comparison with an immobile employee, a mobile worker needs to be able to preserve their pension rights, otherwise citizens who move risk losing their benefits and could face poverty in retirement. It is therefore important to know how the broad guarantees given by the European Communities in 1957 (EC)look from this more detailed perspective.

    Empirically the research analyses the institutional arrangements in place to preserve migrants pension rights, and how these vary, especially for non-sate pensions, between the various EU member states. It also uses secondary data analysis to determine the impact of different migrant trajectories on migrants' income on retirement and, on this basis, assesses the relative feasibility of return and permanent migration. The project's focus in on the EU countries which have been most involved in intra-EU migration over the last 20 years ie Poland, Romania, Italy, UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.

    Publications & Activities

    Architecture of a sustainable future system of retirement
    Annual Conference of the Association of Occupational Pensions (2015). (Hotel Maritime Berlin)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Berliner Kolloquien Soziale Marktwirtschaft (Berlin Social Market Economy Colloquia)
    Traute Meyer presented a key note speech titled "Protection of the low waged in Germany's pension system. A European comparison" at the high profile event with key members of the German national pension policy network.

    Beyond the Crisis in Europe - New Opportunities for reconciling sustainability, equality and economic robustness
    12th Annual ESPAnet conference (2014). (Oslo, Norway)
    Authors: Bridgen P, Meyer T,

    Democracies, Economies and Social Protection: Understanding Welfare State Development in Asia and Europe
    Workshop on East Asian Welfare States in the Era of Globalisation and Regionalisation: Institutional Continuities and Changes (2017). (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    EU migrants' claims on the welfare state: Cost or benefit? An analysis of the UK before and after Brexit
    ESPAnet conference 2018 (2018). (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
    Authors: Meyer T, Bridgen P,

    Free Movement? The impact of migration on the pensions of European migrants.
    Social Policy Conference (2014). (Xiamen University, China)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    How Restricting Intra-EU Migrants' Social Rights Could Reduce Their Economic Contribution: The Case of the UK
    25th International Conference of Europeanists (2018). (Chicago, IL, USA)
    Authors: Bridgen P,

    Keynote: Changing Labour Markets and Old-age Security
    Changing Labour Markets, Life-course and Pensions Conference 2017 (2017). (Finnish Centre for Pensions, Helsinki)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Meyer T, (2016) Gelungene Rentenreformen sind m?glich in MetallRente Studie 2016, Kurzfassung: Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen. Zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Regulierung – Lösungsansätze in Deutschland und Europa
    Beltz Juventa, 20.

    Bridgen P, (2016) Chapter 4 - Europäische rentenpolitik in zeiten der wirtschaftskrise. Was junge beschäftigte heute (noch) von der rente erwarten können in MetallRente Studie 2016: Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen. Zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Regulierung – Lösungsansätze in Deutschland und Europa
    Beltz Juventa

    National Conference for justice in pension policies of the Green Party
    Traute Meyer spoke in the panel debate titled "What's in the pension system? Basic pension from taxes or retirement pension by allocation?"

    Pension systems and pension reform in Europe. International lessons?
    Invited Seminar (2014). (Beijing Technology and Business University)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Pension systems and pension reform in Europe. International lessons?
    Invited Seminar (2014). (Remnin University)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Social Cohesion Days (2015). (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Protection of the low waged in Germany's pension system. A European comparison
    Berliner Kolloquien Soziale Marktwirtschaft (Berlin Social Market Economy Colloquia) (2016). (Bertelsmann Foundation, Berlin)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Reforming public pensions in times of demographic change – policy recommendations
    Financing Public Pension Systems in Times of Demographic Change: increase of retirement age as panacea? (2014). (Fudan University, Shanghai)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    The Unexpected Rise of the State in Liberal Pension Systems
    The Evolution of Social Protection: China and Europe compared (2015). (University of Southampton)
    Authors: Bridgen P,

    The financial pull of home – Do EU migrants have to return to avoid poverty in retirement?
    IMISCOE Annual Conference on Immigration (2014). (Madrid)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    The financial pull of home – Do EU migrants have to return to avoid poverty in retirement?
    European Social Policy Analysts network ESPAnet annual Conference (2014). (Oslo, Norway)
    Authors: Meyer T, Bridgen P,

    The financial pull of home: Intra-EU migration, pension regimes and the feasibility of staying put on retirement
    Pensions Workshop - Pensions Research Network (2014). (Westminster Business School, University of Westminster)
    Authors: Bridgen P,

    The financial pull of home: Intra-EU migration, pension regimes and the feasibility of staying put on retirement
    11th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation (2014). (IUEM, Madrid)
    Authors: Bridgen P, Meyer T,

    The third pillar in pensions – do we need a re-appraisal after the financial crisis?
    Annual meeting of the Society of social Progress (2014). (Germany)
    Authors: Meyer T,

    Workshop for PhD students: “Life-course influences on retirement: Researchers' and stakeholders' perspectives”
    Traute Meyer is acting as a discussant at this PhD workshop exploring life-course influences on the different aspects of retirement.


    Changing Labour Markets 19.5.2017 - Interview with Traute Meyer Finnish Centre for Pensions. 2017
    Video interview with Traute Meyer, posted on YouTube by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

    Labour market situation of the young raises concern at research conference Finnish Centre for Pensions. 2017
    Article titled Labour market situation of the young raises concern at research conference, posted by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, mentions Traute Meyer.

    Fight for the pension: choose me; I give the most! ARD Channel (German equivalent of BBC1). 2016
    Traute Meyer's comments are summarised in an article titled "Fight for the pension: choose me, I give the most!" which discusses the week's "hart aber fair" (harsh but fair) programme on the ARD channel (German equivalent of BBC1). Her comments were regarding to the claims of politicians who took part in a heated panel discussion about the current German pension reform .

    Jugend; Vorsorge; Finanzen 2016 MetallRente website. 2016
    Traute Meyer was interviewed in a blog written by Heribert Karch on metallrente.online with regards to her input into the book "Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen 2016." This was published on 23rd June 2016.

    Austria's Social Democrats are particularly conservative Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 2016
    Web article on Austrian broadsheet Neue Zürcher Zeitung quoting research on pensions, "Österreichs Sozialdemokraten sind besonders konservativ " (Austria's Social Democrats are particularly conservative)

    Citizenship; freedom of movement within EU; welfare and the tensions between them
    CPC researcher Roxana Barbulescu was interviewed on the Roger Phillips show on BBC Radio Merseyside about the findings of her research on the project on citizenship, freedom of movement within EU, welfare and the tensions between them.

    German pension reforms
    TV interview: Traute Meyer and Heribert Karch of MetallRente in a discussion about the social impact of German pension reforms and what options there are for trade unions and employers.

    German pension reforms and lessons from Europe ZDF. 2014
    Interview in Programme on German pension reforms and lessons from Europe on the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen), Frontal 21, on 10.6.2014

    German pension reforms and lessons from Europe
    Video of an interview with Traute Meyer in a programme on German pension reforms and lessons from Europe on the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) programme "Frontal 2 1"

    Gender implications of German pension reforms
    Comment on gender implications of German pension reforms in Frauenrat 4/2014

    German pension reform Taz.de website. 2014
    Comment in the tageszeitung on German pension reform and its impact.

    Ab in die Altersarmut
    "Ab in die Altersarmut": Article on www.taz.de commenting on the tagezeitung on German pension reform and its impact. Written by Traute Meyer