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  • Project contributors: Vlachantoni A, Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Feng Z,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Longer lives


    Existing research has shown that individuals from particular Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups are less likely to be employed than the White British majority population, and when they are employed, they are more likely to be self-employed, which can have an adverse effect on their pension protection prospects. This project examines the pension protection of current and future cohorts of individuals from ethnic minority groups in Britain.

    The project uses data from the Labour Force Survey and the Understanding Society datasets, and explores the determinants of pension accumulation for different minority ethnic groups, including factors associated with other financial and social kinds of resources, such as employment patterns, caring provision and family networks.

    Key findings
    Ethnicity has a significant effect on an individual's chances of being employed, being employed as an employee, and working for an employer who offers a pension scheme.
    • Among the BME population, individuals from the Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups are consistently more likely to face a disadvantage in these areas compared to other BME groups and the White British population.
    • However, once an individual from a BME group works for an employer offering a pension scheme, their ethnicity is less important in affecting their chances of being a member of such a scheme.
    • Policies aimed at ameliorating the 'pensions gap' between BME groups and the White British majority population need to focus on both promoting the uptake of second pensions amongst BME employees and facilitating better protection for self-employed individuals.

    Further information is available on the Centre for Research on Ageing wesbite.

    Publications & Activities

    Differentials in pension prospects for minority ethnic groups in the UK
    European Population Conference 2014 (2014). (Budapest, Hungary)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Feng Z,

    Differentials in pension protection amongst ethnic minorities in Britain
    IUSSP 2013 (2013). (Busan, Korea)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J,

    Differentials in pension protection amongst ethnic minorities in Britain
    Data analysis for effective policy for older people (ESRC Age UK Showcase Event) (2014). (Tavis House, London)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,

    Ethnicity and occupational pension membership in the UK
    British Society of Gerontology 43rd Annual Conference (2014). (University of Southampton)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Feng Z, Evandrou M, Falkingham J,

    Pension protection and ethnicity in the UK
    Ageing Britain BSPS-BSA Policy Forum (2015). (The British Academy, London)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Feng Z, Evandrou M, Falkingham J,

    Pension protection for minority ethnic groups in Britain: determinants, prospects and policy implications
    ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative Two Day Networking Event (2013). (British Library, London)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,

    Pensions - how prepared are black and minority ethnic communities for later life?
    New insights into ethnicity, social mobility and well-being (2014). (London)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,

    Pensions among ethnic elders in the UK
    44th Annual BSG Conference 2015 (2015). (Newcastle Upon Tyne)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Feng Z, Evandrou M, Falkingham J,

    Pensions among older people from ethnic minorities: patterns and prospects
    British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference (2012). (Keele)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J,

    Pensions protection for minority ethnic groups in Britain: Determinanats, prospects and policy implications
    Annual Conference of the Social Policy Association 2013 (2013). (Sheffield)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Feng Z,


    The promoting inclusivity in pension protection project team were interviewed about their research on Awaaz FM. Awaaz FM. 2024
    On 26th March 2024, the project team had an opportunity to talk about the research and invite participants from the Hampshire community during The Community Hour on Awaaz FM.

    Mind the Gap Population europe website. 2016
    Blog post titled 'Mind the Gap' posted on the Population Europe website by Athina Vlachantoni.

    Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know? NCRM Methods News Newsletter. 2014
    Article on the NCRM MethodsNews Autumn 2014 Newsletter/Magazine titled "Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know? written by Athina Vlachantoni, Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Frank Feng.

    Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know? Society Central website. 2014
    Article on societycentral.ac.uk titled "Who are the under-pensioned and what should policymakers know?" is written by Athina Vlachantoni

    Gender and old-age pension protection in Asia Pension watch website. 2013
    Blog posted on www.pension-watch.net written by Athina Vlachantoni and Jane Falkingham titled "Gender and old-age pension protection in Asia"