Do marital prospects dissuade unmarried fertility
Project contributors: Knowles J,
This Project is part of the following research programme/s:
Unmarried fertility was a lot lower in the 1970s than in the 1990s. It was also the case that unmarried mothers had much lower marriage rates than non-mothers, a differential that has largely vanished over time. This project aimed to assess if this 'marriage market penalty' for mothers in the 1970's was strong enough to explain why unmarried fertility rates were lower in the 1970's than in the 1990's.
To explore this issue, a new model of fertility and marriage, based on directed search was introduced. Relative to the previous marriage literature, the main contribution is that our model can allow for arbitrarily high numbers of children and transitions in and out of marriage. This means it is relatively straightforward to match our model to annual data and thus measure the importance of these interactions. An application of the model is provided to demonstrate this feature; a numerical analysis of the change in marital regime between 1973 and 1995. In our empirical section, we analyse the 1973 and 1995 waves of the National Survey of Family Growth.
The results demonstrate that the greater importance of marital prospects in the 1970s than in the 1990s may be sufficient to account for the lower birth rates of unmarried women at the time. Findings suggest that the decline, from the 1970s to 1995, in marriage rates of unmarried women with no children, can account for the dramatic rise in unmarried women's share of births over that period. The quantitative results are not meant to be definitive but rather should be taken as illustrations of the usefulness of this approach; the presence of children has been ignored in most analysis of the marriage market, but these results confirm that the interaction between marriage and fertility is significant.
Publications & Activities
Can technological change account for the sexual revolution?
CPC (2013). Series Number: 34.
Authors: Kennes J, Knowles J,
Do marital prospects dissuade unmarried fertility?
CPC (2012). Series Number: 23.
Authors: Kennes J, Knowles J,
Can Contraception Account for the Decline of Marriage?
Ninth Annual Vienna Macroeconomics Workshop on Current Topics in Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (2012). (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna)
Authors: Knowles J, Kennes J,
Education and Marriage Decline
Society for Economic Dynamics Conference (2011). (Belgium)
Authors: Knowles J,
Marriage and Fertility in Competitive Search
Economics Department seminar (2011). (University of Carlos 3 Madrid)
Authors: Knowles J,
Birth control and the rise in female LFP : what can we learn from women's occupational choices
Royal Economic Society Conference (2011). (Royal Holloway)
Authors: Knowles J,
Marriage and Fertility in Competitive Search
Lecture (2011). (University of Mannheim)
Authors: Knowles J,
Why are married men working so much? Relative Wages, Labor Supply and the Decline of Marriage
Tow Economics Seminar (2011). (University of Iowa)
Authors: Knowles J,
Marriage, Fertility and Step-Families: An Equilibrium Analysis
Sixth Annual Vienna Macroeconomic Workshop on Current Topics in Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (2009). (Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria)
Authors: Kennes J, Knowles J,
Can technological change account for the sexual revolution? You Tube. 2013
You tube video created by John Knowles and John Kennes "Can technological change account for the sexual revolution?" – An economic model of unmarried births
Why are married men working so much?
OUP blog article: "Why are married men working so much?"