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  • CPC Data Workshop: Exploring synergies in data with a focus on fertility, the UK and Italy

    1 July 2013 - CPC-Scotland hosted the first of a number of events aiming to explore data synergies for future comparative research, which would enhance the understanding of UK population dynamics by framing them within the wider European context.

    The focus of the event was on data for the study of family formation and fertility under a 'UK-Italy' comparative perspective.

    The event, held in Ladywell House, Edinburgh, brought together researchers from CPC, the Longitudinal Studies Centre- Scotland (LSCS), the Centre for Research on Family Relationships (CRFR), the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and the National Records of Scotland (NRS).

    Professor Elspeth Graham, co-director of CPC, welcomed participants and briefly illustrated future plans for fertility research in the Centre for Population Change.

    Dr Chris Dibben (LSCS) introduced the design and contents of the Scottish Longitudinal Study. The presentation attracted considerable interest from ISTAT researchers, as the Italian Institute of Statistics is currently in the process of re-designing its system of population registers, exploiting the possibility of linking census and administrative data.

    Alexander Stannard (NRS) illustrated the official statistics produced and disseminated by NRS.

    Dr Sabrina Prati described the role of ISTAT and the system of data collection with a specific focus on census data and population registers. She also mentioned plans for the future reorganisation of population registers based on the integration and linkage of census and existing administrative sources.

    And finally, a presentation by Dr Francesca Rinesi focused on the sample surveys currently available from ISTAT for the analysis of family formation and fertility: the "Sample Survey on Births", and the multipurpose households survey "Households and Social Subjects".

    Posted 14/06/2013 14:32
