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  • Professor Jane Falkingham

    CPC provides research evidence to inform future museums strategy

    On 29 March 2017, CPC Director Professor Jane Falkingham presented her keynote speech 'Population Change in the UK (and in the World)' at the Museums Association one day conference 'Future of Museums: Audiences'

    The event was organised to explore how our rapidly changing society will affect museums' diverse audiences in the future - and how museums can respond to ensure they remain relevant and attractive to different visitor groups, and change lives.

    Jane's speech, which started by considering 'how will a changing demographic affect how museums engage?', was crucial to providing key members of the museum sector with relevant data and research findings that encouraged wider discussion and deeper understanding of future museum audiences. Jane's work on mapping the predicted demographic landscape and its impact on museum visitors was described by audience members as 'most enjoyable', 'fascinating' and will be used by attendees to 'plan sustainable projects for museums and other cultural and heritage organisations'.

    Simon Stephens, the MA's head of publications and events, said "This conference is about creating a dialogue around audiences. We've invited speakers from outside the sector to share their thoughts on each audience segment, which will lead into a wider discussion with museums professionals and delegates. We hope that bringing together different perspectives, experiences and research will enable delegates to think broadly about what existing and potential audiences will want and need from museums in the future."

    Jane said "I am delighted to have been part of this important event and hope that my research will positively impact both museums and their audiences in the future".

    Read more about Jane's work in this area 'The changing meaning of old age'.

    Join the continuing discussion on Twitter @CPCPopulation @MuseumsAssoc @museumhour #museumhour

    Posted 11/04/2017 15:27
