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    CPC at the Population Association of America annual meeting

    CPC members will be participating in the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting from 6-9 April 2022. This year it will be hosted in Atlanta, Georgia, as well as online. The conference will play host to demographers and social and health scientists from the United States and abroad who will attend to present their research in oral and poster sessions, hear others’ findings, and network with their peers.

    Attendees of PAA 2021 can hear more about CPC research in the sessions below, and you can follow our updates on twitter, @CPCpopulation or by following the event #PAA2022.

    All times listed are in Eastern Daylight Time

    Thursday 7 April 2022


    Session: Cross-national comparisons of aging and the life course
    Title: Inequalities in time spent in multimorbidity in Costa Rica and Mexico: A multistate modeling approach
    Authors: Lam, Cezard, Kulu, Keenan, Myrskyla

    Session: Nonstandard work arrangements and their consequences
    Title: Nonstandard work schedules in the United Kingdom: What are the implications for parental mental health and relationship happiness?
    Authors: Zilanawala, McMunn

    Session: Family demography, population development and environment
    Title: Cognitive impairment and partnership status by gender, race/ethnicity, and education in the United States, 1998–2016
    Authors: Kulu, Hale, Myrskyla, Sharma

    Session: Fertility, family planning, sexual behavior and reproductive health
    Title: The impact of family formation on the employment outcomes of immigrants in France: A multistate approach
    Authors: Kulu, Delaporte

    Session: Contexts of parental time investments in children
    Title: Estimating the causal effect of snap on parental time investments
    Authors: Zilanawala, Sevilla-Sanz, Schenck-Fontaine

    Friday 8 April 2022


    Session: Children and youth, intergenerational ties, education, work and economic inequality
    Title: Partnership, fertility, and employment trajectories of immigrants in the United Kingdom: A three-channel sequence analysis
    Authors: Kulu, Mikolai

    Session: Children and youth, intergenerational ties, education, work and economic inequality
    Title: Women’s economic empowerment and children’s school outcomes: The case of Malawi
    Authors: Williams, Vaisanen, Padmadas

    Session: Migration, migrants, and fertility
    Title: Uncertainty across the “contact line”: Armed conflict, Covid-19, and perceptions of fertility decline in eastern Ukraine
    Authors: Perelli-Harris, Gerber, Hylevich

    Session: Migration, migrants, and fertility
    Title: Family trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in three European countries
    Authors: Liu, Andersson, Kulu, Delaporte, Mikolai

    Session: Racial/ethnic inequalities in health and mortality
    Title: Assessing the burden of joint cognitive and physical health impairment in the U.S., 1998–2016
    Authors: Kulu, Hale, Myrskyla, Sharma

    Session: Mortality and morbidity, Covid-19, data and methods
    Title: Intersecting racial and socioeconomic inequalities in multimorbid life expectancy in South Africa: A multistate modeling approach
    Authors: Lam, Kulu, Keenan, Myrskyla

    Saturday 9 April 2022


    Session: Fertility and Covid-19 in the United States, Europe, and Latin America
    Title: Pandemic babies? The fertility response to the first Covid-19 wave across European regions
    Authors: Jasilioniene, Berrington, Muller et al.

    Posted 15/03/2022 11:04
