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  • Project contributors: Graham E, Feng Z, Jamieson L, MacInnes J, Fiori F, Sabater A, Lebano A,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Fertility and Family


    This mixed-methods study investigates recent changes in fertility in three European countries, each with different histories of international migration and with economies that have been variously affected by the economic crisis of 2007/8. It builds on work on England and Wales by extending it to include Scotland and two countries in Europe. We expect both the composition of the population and context to influence fertility change because the economic downturn is likely to have impacted differentially on the study countries and the different population groups in them i.e. people are likely to be affected differently according to their age, level of education, gender, employment status (Sobotka et al. 2011), as well as country of birth/ nationality. The analyses use spatially disaggregated data drawn from national censuses, birth registrations and sample surveys, along with qualitative interview data collected by the team in each of the countries.

    Three key research questions:

    1. At the macro-level, how do within-country geographical variations in fertility, and by population group, differ before and after the economic downturn?

    2. Is there individual-level evidence of partnership/fertility postponement, and/or changes in family size, including childlessness?

    3. How do young adults perceive and experience 'recession' as modifying their futures, and particularly living arrangements, partnering, parenting and family life?

    Publications & Activities

    Does Living Close to Kin Affect the Occurrence of Second Births in Low-Fertility Contexts? The Case of Andalusia in Spain.
    International Seminar on Kinship and Reproduction in Past Societies (2019). (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
    Authors: Sabater A, Viciana-Fernández F, Graham E, Ramiro-Farinas D,

    Proximity to kin and second births in urban and rural areas of Andalusia
    British Society for Population Studies 2018 Conference (2018). (University of Winchester)
    Authors: Graham E, Sabater A, Viciana-Fernández F, Ramiro-Farinas D,

    Residential mobility after the dissolution of a marital union in Italy
    International Research and Policy Symposium on Family Changes and Housing Transitions in the Life Course (2017). (University of St Andrews)
    Authors: Fiori F,

    Choosing to remain childless? A comparative study of fertility intentions among women and men in Italy and Britain
    European Population Conference 2014 (2014). (Budapest, Hungary)
    Authors: Fiori F, Rinesi F, Graham E,