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  • Project contributors: Hilton J, Bijak J, Forster J,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Population estimation and forecasting


    This project was funded by the Greater London Authority.

    Timeline for the project:
    Work began on the 12th September 2016 and the resulting report was delivered on the 20th October 2016.

    Summary of the project:
    The report reviews the Greater London Authority demographic projection model with the aim of verifying the model's technical validity, assessing the reasonableness of the assumptions made, and highlighting areas for possible improvement. The review was conducted through thorough examination of the model code and the supporting documentation, and by the analysis of selected model outputs.

    Publications & Activities

    Independent review of population projection methodology of the Greater London Authority
    ESRC Centre for Population Change (2016).
    Authors: Hilton J, Bijak J, Forster J,

    Independent review of population projection methodology of the Greater London Authority.
    Presentation for the Strategic Spatial Planning Officer Liaison Group meeting (2016). (London Councils)
    Authors: Hilton J, Bijak J, Forster J,