Longer lives
We are all part of a society where people are living longer than in the past. Improvements in health and medical advances means more people are living beyond retirement and into older age. CPC is investigating how living longer impacts our lives, how our younger years affect our experience of ageing, how being 'older' has changed and what the experiences of older people are globally.
Many of us provide care for our older parents and grandparents. At CPC we are finding out how unpaid carers use their time and if they need any extra help or support. To advise policy-makers we are also investigating what increasing the retirement age could mean for work-life balance in mid and later life.
Through our research examining health differences across different ethnic groups, we are also learning about the diverse economic and cultural needs of the older population and advising policy makers on appropriate policy responses.
This research is co-ordinated by Professor Maria Evandrou and Professor Jane Falkingham.
Current Projects
- Ageing unequally? Extended working lives and inequality in later life Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A,
- Capturing useful data on carers Project contributors: Bowes A, Dawson A,
- Linking longitudinal studies of ageing with administrative data Project contributors: Bell D, Rutherford A, Gasteen A,
- Promoting inclusivity in pension protection and other forms of saving among men and women from black and minority ethnic communities in the UK: a mixed methods study Project contributors: Vlachantoni A, Yin Y, Mocnik S, Akhtar S,
- Work-life balance, employment and caring responsibilities in mid-life Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A, Qin M, Bowes A, Dawson A,
Completed Projects
- Ageing and wellbeing in a globalizing world (AgeGlobe) Project contributors: Evandrou M, Vlachantoni A, Hosegood V, Falkingham J, Feng Z, Padmadas S,
- Carers and time use Project contributors: Bowes A, Evandrou M, Bell D, Dawson A, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A, Thomas N, Rutherford A, Ashworth R,
- Children's educational attainment and the longevity of parents: The impact of upward intergenerational health transfers Project contributors: Sabater A, Graham E, Marshall A,
- Extending working lives: implications for work-life balance Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A,
- Flexible ageing: new ways to measure and explore the diverse experience of population ageing in Scotland, using the Scottish Longitudinal Study Project contributors: MacInnes J, Spijker J,
- Global Ageing and Long-term Care Network (GALNet) Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A, Feng Z, Chepngeno-Langat G,
- Growing Up and Growing Old in Scotland: housing transitions and changing living arrangements for young and older adults Project contributors: Graham E, Feng Z, Fiori F,
- Leaving and returning home in the UK Project contributors: Berrington A, Falkingham J, Stone J,
- Living arrangements in mid-life Project contributors: Falkingham J, Berrington A, Evandrou M, Demey D,
- Pension protection for minority ethnic groups in Britain: determinants, prospects and policy implications Project contributors: Vlachantoni A, Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Feng Z,
- Rural ageing, migration and care Project contributors: Bell D, Bowes A, Rutherford A, Schröder-Butterfill E,
- Single young adults and their housing pathways Project contributors: Heath S, Calvert E,
- The impact of social pensions on multiple dimensions of poverty, subjective wellbeing and solidarity across generations Project contributors: Chepngeno-Langat G, Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Aboderin I,
- The patterns, processes and impacts of post-student migration Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Baschnonga-(Sage) J,
- The timing of parental divorce and filial obligations to care for parents later in life Project contributors: Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Baschnonga-(Sage) J,
- The transition to living alone and mental health in later life Project contributors: Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Stone J,
- Understanding pathways into institutional care Project contributors: Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Maslovskaya O, Vlachantoni A,
- Understanding quality of life and well-being of older people: Case studies of China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Project contributors: Zaidi A, Scobie J, Evandrou M,
- Understanding resilience in later life in a low resource setting Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Aboderin I, Kyobutungi C, Chepngeno-Langat G, Baschieri A,
- Understanding the implications of increasing partnership dissolution in mid and later life Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A,
- Young adulthood: aspirations and realities for living and learning in the 21st Century Project contributors: Berrington A, Roberts S, Tammes P,