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  • » Longer lives
  • We are all part of a society where people are living longer than in the past. Improvements in health and medical advances means more people are living beyond retirement and into older age. CPC is investigating how living longer impacts our lives, how our younger years affect our experience of ageing, how being 'older' has changed and what the experiences of older people are globally.

    Many of us provide care for our older parents and grandparents. At CPC we are finding out how unpaid carers use their time and if they need any extra help or support. To advise policy-makers we are also investigating what increasing the retirement age could mean for work-life balance in mid and later life.

    Through our research examining health differences across different ethnic groups, we are also learning about the diverse economic and cultural needs of the older population and advising policy makers on appropriate policy responses.

    This research is co-ordinated by Professor Maria Evandrou and Professor Jane Falkingham.

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