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  • Project contributors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Gomez-Leon M,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Intergenerational exchange


    Research and policy debates regarding population ageing have concentrated attention on the study of the trends and consequences of providing informal care for older people. However, during the last decades, significant changes in the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of populations have been observed, which pose higher pressures on caregivers. In particular, there is an increasing number of individuals who have simultaneous responsibilities of caring for both younger and older generations, the so-called “sandwich generation”. This project will study the current trends and profiles of the sandwich generation for both men and women using data from the UK.

    Publications & Activities

    Caught in the middle in mid-life
    Asian Population Association Special workshop 8: The Changing European life-course (2018). (Shanghai University, China)
    Authors: Falkingham J,

    The dynamics of social care and paid work in mid-life
    European Population Conference 2018 (2018). (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
    Authors: Falkingham J, Evandrou M, Vlachantoni A,

    The provision of support towards multiple generations
    European Population Conference 2018, European Population Conference 2018 (2018). (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A, Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Gomez-Leon M,


    Athina Vlachantoni interviewed on The Shelina Show about her research on the Sandwich Generation. The Shelina Show Podcast. 2023
    Professor Athina Vlachantoni discusses her research on the Sandwich Generation, individuals who provide care for their ageing parents as well as their own children and the need for formal recognition of carers.

    'Sandwich generation' stressed by debts, delusions The Standard. 2022
    Research by Professor Athina Vlachantoni quoted in The Standard (Kenya).

    How can companies help the stressed-out sandwich generation? Benify. 2022
    Blog article on the Benify website about the Sandwich Generation and stress quotes Professor Athina Vlachantoni and her research.

    “Geração-Sanduíche”: salvando pais-idosos e filhos-jovens na Covid-19 ("Sandwich Generation": saving elderly parents and young children in Covid-19) SaudeBusiness. 2021
    News article quotes Professor Athina Vlachantoni and her research with others on the impact of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation'.

    Sandwich generation feels the pressure during lockdown Medical Xpress. 2021
    News article on Medical Xpress website about the pressures of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation' quotes research by Professor Maria Evandrou, Professor Jane Falkingham, Dr Min Qin and Professor Athina Vlachantoni.

    Sandwich generation feels the pressure during lockdown About Manchester. 2021
    News article on About Manchester website about the pressures of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation' quotes research by Professor Maria Evandrou, Professor Jane Falkingham, Dr Min Qin and Professor Athina Vlachantoni.

    Sandwich generation feels pressure during lockdown Mirage. 2021
    Article on Mirage website about the pressures of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation' quotes research by Professor Maria Evandrou, Professor Jane Falkingham, Dr Min Qin and Professor Athina Vlachantoni.

    Sandwich generation feels pressure during lockdown University of Southampton. 2021
    News article on University of Southampton website about the pressures of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation' quotes research by Professor Maria Evandrou, Professor Jane Falkingham, Dr Min Qin and Professor Athina Vlachantoni.

    Why the 'sandwich generation' is so stressed out BBC Worklife. 2021
    Article on BBC Worklife about the pressures of the pandemic on the 'sandwich generation' quotes Professor Athina Vlachantoni and her research.