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  • Project contributors: Evandrou M, Falkingham J, Vlachantoni A,

    This Project is part of the following research programme/s:

    Longer lives


    Rising life expectancy and fiscal pressures on welfare systems of old age support have led to a focus on extended working lives. Although many older people welcome the opportunity to remain active longer, it is important that reforms do not result in rising inequalities. This project examines differentials in labour market activity at ages 60 and over, with a particular focus on differences by ethnic groups. Using UKHLS, the research also explores the interaction with health and disability and unpaid caregiving responsibilities. The research will be of direct relevance to the DWP 'Fuller Working Lives' Strategy.

    Publications & Activities

    Keynote speech: Intergenerational Support and Ageing: A New Kind of Sandwich Generation?
    4th International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatrics Medicine (SilverAge 2023) (2023). (Hybrid, Sri Lanka)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,

    Care preferences of the older population in China
    Social Policy Seminar, School of Public Affairs (2023). (Xiamen University)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,

    Unmet need for social care among older people
    British Society for Population Studies 2018 Conference (2018). (University of Winchester)
    Authors: Vlachantoni A,